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Everything posted by mariofsx

  1. Hi, I want use another software like EzDok which is the one I use now fow cameras in P3Dv2. My question is: Can I use only Live came (disabling thw weather engine) in P3Dv2? or is a must? Thanks in advanced!
  2. HI, At the Master compatibility List it's says that Taxi2Gate MMMX Extreme works if you install it with EMT, but it doesn't work for me. The are no terminal building. Anyone with this problem even with another add-on? Thanks
  3. HI, It seems to me that there are few callsigns of the ATC in P3D than in FSX. A lot of callsign is just the number of flight but not the Airline, but I'm sure that this is just a configuration task. Do you know how to configure the airline callsigns? Thanks
  4. HI, I have a problem with ILS 12R course of MMUN (Cancun). In the new AIRACs the course is 124 but in the FSX's Map is 121. Is possible to change it? Thanks!
  5. HI!!! Anyone can give some advise for install 3D Lights Redux in Prepar3D. In the Google Docs of Ben he says that some files has to move manually. Wich ones? Thanks for the help!!!
  6. Hi!!! I just started to use Radar Contact and I have a couple of questions: 1) When I'm at the airport and want to listen to the ATIS, I hear the default ATIS with the line of information in screen and it is heard above the RC. Also at the airport when I tune GROUND I hear the default ATC too and the RC Ground. Is it normal? 2) I had read that depending on where you fly, you hear recordings with the language of the country. I have flown in Spain but I have heard no voice in Spanish. Should I? Thank you!
  7. Hi, I don't know if this is normal, but in windowed mode (occupying the almost whole screen) I have 30-37 fps, but if I press ALT+ENT to go into full screen mode, the fps drops to 29-31 fps. Of course I would like to have 30-37 in full screen too.... Thanks for your opinion about it
  8. Hi, I am intersting to know what is te relation between resolution and FPS. I mean, I have a good computer and I have good fps, but my monitor is 17 inches. I am thinking in buy a bigger monitor. More inches I think means more resolution. So with more resolution there is less FPS? Thanks!!!!!
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