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  1. Yeah its a ground effect craft...just rides that cushion of air that has ruined so many of our seemingly perfect flairs. It is a very cool craft and is actually in FSX. It is in one of the cargo missions in Alaska.
  2. Ill try that...but wouldnt disabling preload increase load times?
  3. Thanks for the advice. I will report back in a few days and let you guys know if there is any improvement.
  4. So i just fired up FSX for the first time in about a month and I am having much much slower load times than I previously did. I have not uninstalled it or made any changes to the FSX file. I have, however, installed and uninstalled many programs since using FSX last. I am using an SSD so defragging really isnt an options. Just wondering if anyone has any suggestions before I need to complete the laborious task of a fresh install. Thanks in advance.
  5. Thanks. I will post over there and see if I can get some help
  6. Yes I am using REX E and AS2012 as weather engine
  7. So as the title says I have a thick disc...probably about 15nm radius or so that just shows up when below 5000 feet and follows the aircraft. This is very annoying. Does anyone have a solution, or know the file name of that texture so I can remove it. Please help =)/
  8. Thank you for all of your suggestions. Looks like it is time for more tweeking
  9. That is not a bad suggestion. I have globally reduced the gamma value in my GPU setting and it will satisfy my night flying needs...at least until I find something new that bugs me and must find a solution to :Just Kidding: . Hopefully whatever sim comes next takes all of these things into account.
  10. I am running in DX9 =(. Are there any other solutions to make FSX look better at night? I am just looking for a darker sky and decreased visibility.
  11. I am trying to improve my night flying environment by using an enb mod ( i have never used one before). I was referred to the REX forum for Tim's natural enb mod. The download contains three files: enbpalette.bmp, d3d9.dll, and enbseries.ini. The forums state to move these three files into the FSX root folder. I did so, mine happens to be c:\FSX. When these files are placed in the root folder FSX will not load. I get the main screen for about 4 seconds with the window that displays the rotating aircraft solid black. FSX then encounters a fatal error and shuts down. When i remove these files FSX runs just fine. My gpu is a gtx 570 and I am running REX essential. Other member on the rex forums have stated that they can run this mod with REX E. Please help =).
  12. I am looking for a solution to darken the look of FSX at night. I have already changed my monitor setting, which has helped, but not solved the issue. I found this on another forum: For the dusk/dawn textures some people feel, subjectively, the result is too dark or too light. There are 2 items that allow the transition time to be changed: [GRAPHICS] DAY_THRESHOLD NIGHT_THRESHOLD acceptible values are 0 to 65535. Defaults: DAY: 32768 NIGHT: 4096 These entries are not in my .CFG, however.
  13. WEll that is unfortunate that it may be the monitor...thought it was pretty good =(
  14. Yeah I tried it with magic color on and off, didnt seem to effect the sky.
  15. I see the vertical lines toward the black segment
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