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About VosDaan

  • Birthday 03/09/1998

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  1. VosDaan


    Thanks! I forgot to mention that I fly the PMDG 777, but I think it will work the same with the T7.
  2. VosDaan


    Hi all! I've just one question about the comms. How can I listen the Atis while on a controller frequentie? Is that possible? And what comms do I need to tune? Thanks!
  3. Hi all! I've posted the same message on the Ezdok forum, but I thought I could give it a try on this forum too. : I reinstalled my whole computer, and I'm setting up everything again. I finally reached the part where I have to setup Ezdok. But, I experience some problems. 1. I have assigned my Hat switch in Ezdok. But when I use my Hat switch to pan around, I can't pan around freely. It just moves a little bit and returns to the central. 2. I can't switch between virtual cockpit views. The first view pops up, but the second view doesn't work, and so on. The strange thing is, it does work on the outside views. Only the outside views aren't working correctly. For istance, my wingview is looking at the ground. (I've tested in Default and payware aircraft) Before the reinstall everything worked fine. I ran the configuration tool. I installed the 1.15 versions first, and after that the 1.17. I reinstalled Ezdok twice now. I don't know if this is the right place to ask for solutions. Some help is really apreciated! Thanks, Daan
  4. Thanks for the answer! Is there a way I can download it? Thanks Jay,
  5. Hi All! A week ago I bought the T7. It's wonderful! I have flown the Tutorial#1 flight and it went great! The Tutorial#1 sometimes referred to the Tutorial#2, but I can't find it. Is it out already? Or couldn't find it on the Precionmanuals website either. And I have got a second question : I have set my default airplane set to LONG. Are there any checklists that start from there? Someone on this forum posted a self-made checklists, but that started from the cold and dark setup. Or is there something else that I can use? Thanks! Daan
  6. Hi all! I'm currently setting all the camera's in the pmdg777. The cockpit camera's are working, but when I go outside the airplane, I cant see the airplane. I only see the inside of the cockpit from the outside of the airplane. I cant see wing, or the fuselage.. I have wideviewaspect=True Thanks, Daan
  7. Hi all! Just bought Activesky 2012 recently and I'm trying to find the right settings to fly with Vatsim. Are there some recommended settings? Is it recommended to use the High altitude profile? Or just make your own? Thanks, Daan
  8. Hi all, Me and my friend want fly the maddog md80 with multicrew. I've read a lot of forums about connecting etc.. but I still have some questions. Do we need the same scenery? And what if my friend is using FSINN and I'm using Squawkbox? Thanks, Daan
  9. Hi all, I was wondering if somebody had a clear checklist for this great airplane. From Cold and Dark to Engine shutdown. Thanks! Daan
  10. Hi all, I have got a strange problem. When I join a server as a pilot, everything works fine, but when I join a serer as a air traffic controller it doesnt reacts. Like, I am joining a server with 20 people on it, And I set my role to Air traffic controller, and I press :join server, it doesnt load, and fsx doesnt works anymore.. When I play on my hosted server as a Air traffic controller everything works fine.. I hope you know the answer! Greats, Daan
  11. 2D cockpit view is F10, but when I press F10 there is nothing showing up, only the view without 2D panel, I can undock the 2D panel, but then without the scenery
  12. Yes my 2D panel key is also F10, I will have a look in FSX
  13. Oke, thanks! At the panel selection there isn't a 2D panel... When I am in the windowed mode I can undock the 2D panel, but then I have 2 screens..... I think the 2D panel has gone, but I didnt did everyting after installing, I installed patch 1... Thanks for the help!
  14. Hi all, Iam new to this forum. First of all, I dont know if this is the right place to poste this problem. Iam having some problems with my PMDG 737 NGX 2D panel. When I switch from the VC to the 2D panel, I cant see a panel. I can only see an scenery. I tried some things like SHIFT + 1 and that kind of combinations. I realy dont know what to do.... I dont want the VC realy, because of the FPS. I get 10-18 FPS in the VC. With the 2D panel I get 30-35 FPS. So, I realy want the 2D panel. Iam using the full screen view ( not the windowed view) Maybe you know the solution? Thanks, Daan
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