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Cedric Hunter

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Posts posted by Cedric Hunter

  1. HI all!

    I have your mail adress!!!You should delete it !!BMG50 is right!!Thank for your help! ;)

    Douglas , I have a idea , sell all things I have and come to live in Juneau :lol:

    But you're totaly right , not so easy to have informations...

  2. HI McCrash,


    It's already done , of course...And my area is not from google earth , I hate the representation of juneau by G.E :ph34r: it's just...ugly...The problem is I need some close pictures of the buildings and installations...I already have the aerial pictures !

    Thank for your interest :)

  3. HI "1586230CFI" ,


    First , thank you for your interest.


    You're right , there is two scenes .The first one is the region , the second one , the aeroport.But both are from the same origine so it fit perfectly with each other.

    But my choice was to considerate that a great developper will relesase an add-on for this region....I want to make my scenery fully compatible with it...

    So I'm totally focused on the airport , and please believe me , there is a lot of works to do ...

    I can say it will be not ready before some months...That's the price if I want to make a good job about Juneau.

    You know , it's really a dream for me to visit Alaska and British Columbia...But not so easy when you live in France...I've my private pilote license and it would be a dream to fly over the beauty of the North......I hope a day will come!!Really!!!

    Don't you have some pictures of the airport?


    Thank you once again for your interest!!

  4. HI all,


    Nice to see your words !!


    Kabronicus , even if you don't find the pictures , I want to thank you for your interest!


    With Juneau I've a big problem of altitude....The aiport don't want to take the new elevation (21ft) and stay to 3ft....I work on this problem from one week and I can tell you this crazy thing begin to really ****** me...


    So , at this time there is no evolution of my project <_<


    Just hope to resolve my problem soon...


    Have a good flight !

  5. HI guys!


    Really happy to see my Juneau's project have supporters ^^ The goals is to have a very close to reality airport , but keepin' mind that the fluidity is a very important point I want to respect and , at this time I' don't know what will be the framerate impact....So , for the cars you can easily understand this we'll see that at the end =)


    Have goods flights!

  6. hey!


    Thank you guys!


    Some informations about the scene...It's designed to work with UTalaska et Gex.The resolution for the aiport texture is 0.25m/px et and around the aiport 1m/px.

    It will have night textures , winter textures.

    The only problem I have is the use of VirtualEarth textures...I will see with them to see if I can distribute their textures for the region.If not the futur user should install FSearttiles , i will give the steps to dl the texture.

    For the aiport there will be no problem because the texture will be completely reworked ;)


    Have a nice day guys =)

  7. HI all ,


    I'm new in this forum , I know Avsim from many years but as I'm french , I'm on the french forum "Pilote-Virtuel".

    So , glad to "talk" to you =)


    I'm working on a project about the airport of Juneau , Alaska , which will be a freeware...

    You can see the post about this project here: http://www.pilote-virtuel.com/viewtopic.php?id=45871


    I need a lot of pictures about Juneau and there is not so many on google & Airliners , so I need you ! ^^


    Please if you have some pictures about this aiport , can you post them?


    Thank you =)

  8. Douglas DC-6:


    A new build of this product went up for internal testing this week, and we anticipate moving this project into wider testing in the weeks ahead. We have one specific area on the airplane that requires the attention of a developer currently buried in the 777, but once he is free of 777 timeline obligations he will be completing his assigned tasks on the DC-6- and that will allow the airplane to go into beta testing!


    We are looking for DC-6 type rated testers to help out with testing this project- so if you are rated on the airplane or currently working to maintain them- please reach out to us via our support ticket system. We'd like to talk to you!


    IMPORTANT NOTE: We do not take beta testing solicitations in the forum, by forum private message, or by telephone. You should fill out a ticket describing your background and experience and we will get back to you to request proof of qualifications at a future date.


    Also please note that this solicitation applies ONLY to the DC-6- and you must have verifiable experience with the airplane.



    This anouncement comes from this thread http://forum.avsim.net/topic/378934-general-update-07jul12/



    Thanks to the team to give us some updates!

  9. HI guys!!


    First of all , I'm a proud PMDG customer , your works are amazing!Always!Well...


    From your first post on the DC-6's release I just can't get to sleep , my nights are longs , I'm just waiting for this fabulous bird...


    im%20Not%20Worthy.gif Please help a human to get to sleep , please POST 2/3 screens...because...I'll become crazy....and my wife too!!!!im%20Not%20Worthy.gif






    P.S:Excuse me if I make some spelling mistakes , it's not my language , I'm french...

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