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Cedric Hunter

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  1. HI guys, Some screenshots of the WIP about the Terminal.I Hope finis it in few days Really hurry to test with the Orbx SAK eheh Uploaded with ImageShack.us Have a nice weekend guys!
  2. HI guys! I'm working on the terminal with sketchup , the project is on his way.Nothing to show you , but as soon I have something to show I'll post some pictures =) Thank for your interest A picture of the new terminal and one of the old one: Uploaded with ImageShack.us Feel free to send me every pictures of this airport !
  3. HI NBurgess , I'm gonna look your link =) Thank you
  4. +1 , that's the case for me to.
  5. So , just to motivate you :lol: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=3J-yhWycREI
  6. ah sure , not for 2013!!ahah yeah I have the 377+accu-sim+cots!!! Yeah for sure a DC-3 will be great!A damage mod will come soon by the author of the V35 damage mod And I've done a damage mod for the JF DC-6B and I'm waiting for the one by PMDG to see if i can do something (if needed)... But we have absolutely nothing about a Connie...And even if I've to wait for 2015 to have a Connie+accu-sim+Cots it will be not a problem!!!! I had posted a thread to for a Connie on the A2A forum...But I think if we have a proof of rentabilty of a such product , developers from there will think about....Well may be I'm dreaming....but may be not and I wan't to try...so why not, it's just a "like" on a facebook page , it's free , ça why to not try? B) Thanks for yours reactions guys!
  7. You are totally right but I'm ready to wait for years for a Connie :lol: Imagine "Yes , you are a lot to wait for this aircraft , so yes we plan a Connie"
  8. Nobody loves the Constellation ? :wub:
  9. HI! The project progress slowly because I've to learned some technics about texturing and modeling , but you can be sure is still on the way! Nice to see your interest! 3 littles screens... many thanks to Nemeth design et Eric Norton for the right of use their AS350 and for the Temsco repaint! http://img809.images.../77/temsco1.jpg http://img594.images.../8294/pajn5.jpg http://img846.images...3928/pajn10.jpg Cédric
  10. HI Guys! a crazy idea....I've just created a facebook page named "A prayer for a Connie by A2A simulation". "I've a dream"....See a Constellation made by A2A with an accu-sim!....So I Imagine if we are a lot to like this page , may be a day , our dream comes true!!!Or may be not but it seems to me it's free to hope a things like this....So may be not?May be A2A will listen this prayer ? http://www.facebook.com/APrayerForAConnieByA2aSimulation Thanks to all who will support this page!!! ...and sorry for any mistakes in my phrases , I'm french...
  11. HI Macky, I've the justflight one to but the the manual is ...mmm.....bad...there's nothing of interesting inside... :( And checklists seems to me to be a little bit poor no?But I don't know may be is just like that in reality...
  12. HI guys, Someone knows where I could find a free and real manual for the DC-6B , just to wait the PMDG manuals?Thank you guys!
  13. Ok McCarter , this link was already seen on an other post and all the informations inside about the futur releases are wrong.. :excl:
  14. Thank you Johan for your answer, so sad :wacko: McCarter where do you have seen the release date?
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