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About d540d

  • Birthday 03/30/1969

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    Just back to Flight sim after several years.
  1. Do you mean this one? http://www.fsdreamteam.com/products_gsx.html
  2. Yeah, I'm already into the tunnel :-D. I bought FS9 in 2002, and my beloved pmdg 737ng in 2003 or so. Btw, maybe I found the reason of the CDU problem. I need some other tests, but it seems that if I don't use radar contact on the second PC (via WideFS) everything is ok......
  3. I gave up, guys. I've just ordered a copy of FSX+acceleration on amazon. On monday it will be mine! I really want this plane to fly :-) Thanks a lot for your help. Ciao.
  4. Ok, I reinstalled everything and tried again. Same issue. But I noticed that I have two different behaviours between the two CDU. I post the screenshot. The capt's CDU lets me put ELMOX to the scratchpad and then blocks the LSK1L, the FO's CDU sends an INVALID ENTRY as soon as I click on ELMOX. This is the same for any actions I try to perform, for instance changing the arrival rwy or changing the cruise altitude. Instead, I was able to change the transition level at LOWI. Very, very strange... I really don't believe that this depends on Prepar3d (everything else is working perfect), maybe I make some mistakes, I don't know. I can't open a ticket, but maybe someone at PMDG may want to try to help. I really would appreciate it. I have Win 7 Pro 64, FSUIPC registered version, and the NGX. Nothing else. Thank you.
  5. Thanks for your support, James. Ok, I'm about to reinstall it, and I hope it will be fixed. Unfortunately, I can't submit a ticket, since they don't support Prepar3d (and please let me know if I'm wrong...)
  6. @ Mat and James No tongue cheek. I meant Prepar3d, and I'm sorry for that abbreviation. @ Paul I see your point, it makes sense. But I can't imagine what the problem could be. As you can see in the screenshot, I still was in cruise; no way to put ELMOX in LSK1L. As far I'm concerned, there were no reasons to block the direct-to. I say more: I did another direct-to some minute before, and it worked. The same for changing rwy from 26 to 8. The first time I followed the tutorial, I could did it, when instructed. The second time, I couldn't. I'm very sad, because this is a very great add-on, and it is frustrating if you cannot trust in it.
  7. @ AJ Pongress I cannot. I'm on p3d.
  8. @ MED1473 No, I got no messages. The LSK buttons are dead, but just to execute the function. They are working when you move a waypoint to the scratchpad, but you can't confirm it with LSK1L.
  9. Hi all, I'm new to the NGX. I have an issue with the FMC that is recurring. During the flight, LSKs seem to stop working. In two different flights, I wasn't able to make a direct-to. I put the waypoint I want to fly to into the scratchpad, and when I press LSK1L nothing happened. I did the same some minute BEFORE, and everything was ok.... Today, I had same problem approching LOWI (tutorial # 2). When I had to switch to rwy 8, the corresponding LSK didn't work. I can still navigate through the FMC menu, but LSK are not working. Do you have and idea or suggestion? Thanks in advance for your help. PS: Yes, my NGX is legal. I say this because I googled my problem and It seems I'm the only one with it.
  10. Thank you guys for your answers. In the meantime, I realized that maybe they are 2 different issues. The continous noise does not depend on the 737, but it is a P3D general problem, since there is also using the default flight. I posted this on their forum right now. The specific missing or very low sounds are on the PMDG side, but maybe they are a side effect of the first one.
  11. Hi all. I'm a new user of the NGX. Everything is ok but the sounds. I just and always hear a countinous noise that "covers" all other sounds like engines, switches, call-outs and so on. I'll try to be more precise. - I hear the noise even in cold & dark state. (For instance, loading the saved flight of the PMDG tutorial # 2) - no way to disable it or reduce it: if I change settings in CDU's SOUND page, nothing happens - The SOUND Options in the Sim are all at 50%, in the CDU's SOUND page their are all at 100% - some kind of sounds (engines and GPWS call-outs) are very low, some other (switches and other like the yellow knob on the yoke checklist) are totally missing. I've already tried to reinstall DirectX runtimes, but didn't fix. This is a fresh installation of the NGX on a brand new PC with Win 7. Any help is appreciate (and sorry for my bad english)
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