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Posts posted by BlueGhost

  1. Thanks for the info Ed and Kabronicus! I'll pursue the checklist and AP issues as soon as I get the 750. 


    I went to the Carenado site and saw no 750 pix on the pedestal. Nevertheless, if that's where it gets installed, it seems almost easier to just use the non-integrated 750 pop up. Granted you just have to click on the integrated 750 frame to get the 750 up close, but how are the general pop ups brought up (when using the 750 on AC where it isn't integrated?) Maybe I just don't understand yet how to use a non-integrated 750 pop up.


    I just completed a loooong VFR cross-country from Key West to Friday Harbor (in 60-90 minute flight segments…all I had time for at a sitting) and I hardly ever went to all the trouble to look at the base of the pedestal and then zoom in to try and see what it says. I just did shift+2 all the time. Clunky, but it worked. It just never stayed up when I changed views.


    Anyway thanks a lot gents! It'll only get to be more fun as I learn to fly this classic better!

  2. Birthdays are extra special as you get older (i.e., grateful for each one!) As a retiree I can't spend much on my flightsim hobby, but I was able to get the Shrike (my all-time favorite) for Father's Day, and I soon turn 68, so wifie offers up for a flightsim-type gift.

    I have been looking at the GTN 750 for some time, and wonder if someone who has integrated the 750 would kindly post some screens of how it looks in the panel. 

    Also, am I correct that you can put the Shrike checklists into the 750? If so, how complicated would that be? Anyway, thanks in advance.

    Now back to rereading the many posts here about how to realistically use the unique AP...


  3. I keep things pretty simple. I have assigned button 20 to lower the flaps one increment and button 19 to raise the flaps one increment. This way it seems easier to know where I'm at in the cycle.

    Wait, it just dawned on me you may not have the Saitek throttle. If all you have is the yoke, then you don't have too many buttons to spare, but if you want to use two of them, you can do the same thing. 

  4. I'm new to the Shrike and am trying to learn more about the systems. I've looked on the Garmin site, YouTube, as well as the 530 doc I got with my Milviz 310R, and all of these have more info on the 530 than the Carenado info contains. So for those of you who are familiar with the 530, what level of realism should I expect to see as I learn how to use the Shrike version of the 530? Thanks


  5. Sorry for the longish post, and it's your own fault if you keep on reading, but...


    I have been using the Saitek throttles with my MacBookPro/Bootcamp combination. Recently, for no apparent reason, the throttle input (I use the standard T/P/M setup) started jumping all over the place. Reading in the forum, I took the unit apart, cleaned and lubricated the best I could, and it sort of worked but then stopped entirely. So, deciding it was a lost cause, I reprogrammed the remaining two controls so at least I'd have a throttle. 


    All of a sudden a couple days ago, the throttle control started working just fine, thank you. Which was good because the other two controls started acting up - both only giving me about half of the throw from min to max (like nothing, nothing, everything!). I grabbed my AV8R and took my frustrations out in the air.


    I was very happy the next day when, having turned the system on, ALL controls worked just fine! Rejoicing, I went into MS setup and calibration to make sure I could preserve this now, three "working controls" unit. After returning from calibration, the middle and right controls went back to their semi-functional routines. I'm not thinking happy thoughts by now. I'm reading all the forums I can.


    Yesterday I fire it up, and…everything works just fine. I stayed away from calibration, fired up my Shrike and blissfully flew! But it bothers me not knowing why my unit is off and on! I'm doing nothing different each day. 


    So a question: Could this be a problem between the MSFSX connectivity with my controller? (Not sure if that question even makes sense, but nothing else seems to make sense either.)


    If I registered my FSUIPC (yeah, I know it doesn't cost much but I'm retired Navy and on an allowance from my CINC) and set/ran the accessories through it, could that might make a difference? I've been thinking about that. Any way, if any of this rambling resonates with anyone, I'd sure like to hear about it. Thanks!



  6. All of a sudden today I find that when I engage the AP, it works fine, but then I go to an exterior view and my Shrike has no fuselage! I just have wings, tail, and the interior hanging out over the Gulf of Mexico. I turn the AP off and I have a complete looking aircraft. I'd put a picture here but not sure how to attach photos. I use much of my pc memory when I fly, but this is something new! Any thoughts? Or should I delete it and reinstall? Thanks!

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