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  1. B247NG, thank you so much for the link! Definitely buying that!! That seals the deal. I probably won't install acceleration. I don't really need it. Jandjfrench, thanks for the input. It may really be system dependent but Ill just enjoy what I have now. I don't want to ruin it.
  2. Oh that's very good information! Thankyou! I would have probably screwed my system up. The only reason I was going to do it was for the FA 18 Hornet. But it's really not a big deal. Especially if its buggy.
  3. I have neglected to buy and install acceleration for MS FSX. I have the standard version with sp2. I assume that I can install acceleration? I have many many add ons and a custom tweaked CFG file like most people do. Would installing acceleration overwrite these tweaks or effect any of my add ons?
  4. I typed it as Southwest 1914. Would Southwest 19 14 change it?!
  5. When I'm flying an airline in FSX I always make my call sign Southwest xxxx. Yesterday it was Southweat 1914. VOXATC says Southwest one niner one four. Can I make it say southwest nineteen fourteen?
  6. First off, my intention is not to repeat a question that has been previously answered, but I am so confused at this point that I don't know what to do to be cleared for a STAR. I'm sorry if I have repeated a question. I'm using Aivlasoft EFB and the online RouteFinder service to generate and plan my flight plans. I do understand that your flight plan must have the common end point of a SID and entry point for a STAR to be cleared via a SID or STAR. I've been testing the SID and STAR procedure with a short flight from KBHM to KSDF. VOXATC always assigns be the BHM5 departure from KBHM without conflict. The problem comes with the STAR into KSDF. RouteFinder said that my STAR transition point was the BWG VOR. As I approached that point and descended, I was never cleared for a STAR or a runway. I was vectored instead to the ILS for 17R. I had previously hit "0" and requested descent for arrival in the VOXATC menu. Maybe that was wrong. I need someone smarter than me to tell me what waypoint I need to put in my flight plan to be cleared for a STAR at any airport and specifically for KSDF. Is it supposed to be the IAF or some other waypoint? I'm confused about this. Is BWG even close to what should be there? Thanks so much in advance.
  7. I recently bought the V35 Bonanza. FSX kept crashing when I would start the engines with the primer. So I installed the patch and all was fine. I have a bigger problem. I can't click anything in the VC and sometimes I get the double gauges problem where you see two of everything and each gauge is compressed very badly. It is quite annoying. I tried disabling 3D knobs and windows. What else can I do? Even the GNS 430 won't come on when I turn it on through the 2D window from shift+2. It is as if all buttons are frozen. The main gauges work though.
  8. Just to clarify, I might have copied a file wrong. Is there supposed to be a file in the FSX/sound/pmdg/md11/levers folder called pmdgmd11spoilerautoextend2_3.wav or something like that?
  9. That's probably good advice. Thanks for your help!
  10. Ok thanks. Do you know what folder I would look in to replace the md11 sound file?
  11. I was wondering how I could change the speed brake sound of the MD-11 with the 737NGX one. I own the 737NGX and I have fallen in love with the sound of the speed brake extending on touchdown in the NGX. I would like the know how I could copy the 737NGX speed brake sound and replace the MD-11X speed brake sound file with the 737NGX one. How could I do this? I am fairly comfortable with basic editing of .cfg files if I need to. What folders would I look in and what specific files would need editing? Jeremy Ross Collins
  12. Hi, I'm having trouble deciding between getting a reciever and a set of speakers or getting computer speakers that are 5.1. Does anyone have any suggestions for which route I should go. I'd like to keep the price around 500 or a little more. Also, any suggestions on good 5.1 computer speakers?
  13. I have just installed two USB headsets into my simulator. I bought a mixer that combines the audio feeds from the two USB devices attached to the headsets and outputs them to each of my headset's headphone feed. It works great and each headset can even talk to other one! But, my issue with Windows came when the volume was way too low. I assume that the mixer splits the audio strength because the mixer is not an amplifier. Is there a way to increase the gain of each USB headset in Windows or should I buy an amplifier? I have already gone into enhancements of the headset's sound settings and checked "Loudness Equalization." That helped but it is still too low? Any suggestions?
  14. Ok, I've made a decision. I am going to buy another headset just like mine now. The reason is because it has to be powered via USB, so I have to use USB connection for both headsets. Is there a way to use mix two audio feeds into one?Should I use splitters or an audio switcher?
  15. Ok, so here is what I'm trying to do: Recently, I've added a second USB headset to my Flight Sim. I am using two Logitech G330's. But, the first headset is the one I use to talk and listen to ATC. The second is for people who come to fly with me side by side so that they can hear what I am hearing. I am using a splitter to split the headphone line on my headset into two feeds, one plugs into the first headset, one feed into the second headset. That works great. So both of my headsets have a mic and headphone cord that plug into a box that is a USB to the computer. So, I focused on the second headset. I have Windows set up to send what I say in the mic to VOX ATC and the other headset so that the other person hears my voice and what ATC says back. But, I want to get it to where the second headset's mic is wired into my headphone feed on my headset. Since I am using a splitter to provide headphone audio to the other headset, that means that I am not using the USB connection for the other headset. The problem I have come into contact with is that the headset doesn't have batteries meaning that the USB powers the headset! I noticed though that headphone connection works without USB power. But the mic doesn't work unless the USB is plugged in powering it. My goal is to avoid using another USB connection. Here are my Questions: 1. Is there such thing as a battery powered headset with a mic that still has a headphone and mic cord attached to avoid using another USB port. 2. Are splitters reversible or can they split sound into two feeds, and also combine two feeds into one? 3. Would it be more efficient to use the USB connection for the other headset instead of trying to split it? If I do this, is there a way to route the second headset's mic feed into my headset with Windows?
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