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Posts posted by Sambo71

  1. Hi Everyone,


    I finally got Active Sky 2016 & Active Sky Cloud Art installed in my flight simulator which runs FSX.


    I uninstalled Rex Soft Clouds and was curious to what I should de-check in REX 4?


    I de-checked all the clouds textures high/low, lighting, weather architect and the sky effects textures....is there anything else I should turn off?






  2. Hi All,


    Does anyone know if there's a way to hide the magnetic compass in the Carenado M20J Mooney?


    It's right down on the dash and always seems to be in the way on approach when landing.


    Is there anything I can do in the Panel cfg file to hide or remove it?


    gauge01=MooneyM20F!magnetic_compass,  1156,74,150,154


    gauge14=MooneyM20F!magnetic_compass,  256,  384 ,128,128



  3. Hi Gsalden,


    I've been trying to get the same question answered, as you read in one of my earlier posts, I added two additional monitors/2D views to my simulator, one in each side door.


    I'm running a GTX 980 Ti 6Gb card it works pretty good, but I suffer out of memory errors in dense scenery situations, I was also wanting to know if adding two cards would help.


    But then a few days ago I had a friend offer me the exact same computer I have running my simulator and now I'm looking for information to find out if networking the two together will give me more power to be able to kick the sliders up and help carry the load of the two extra monitors/views?



  4. Hi Guys,


    My system:


    Sabertooth Z87 i7 4770K Quad Core OC 4.2

    Gigabyte GTX 980 Ti 6 Gb


    I not sure if I'm in the right place to be asking the following questions...


    A short time ago I did an upgrade to my flight simulator and added two monitors, one in each door for side views.


    The new load of opening two new 2D views and dragging them to my side monitors is quite a bit more load on my system even know I'm running a GTX 980 6Gb card.


    Everything runs great in low density scenery situations...but


    I find that I'm running into out of memory errors in dense scenery situations...


    I have an opportunity to purchase another computer identical to mine that I could network together, if I were to do this would be possible to run the two side monitors off the second computer's video card to lighten the load and improve frame rates for the whole setup?


    What would be the best way to combine the two computers to utilise the full resource of both to be able to kick the settings up and still maintain my 30 fps?


    Would using Pete's "Widefs"  be the program to accomplish this?


    Any feedback or recommendations would be greatly appreciated to help make the decision to purchase this second computer!


    Thanks in advance,











  5. Hi A340Bangla,


    Thanks for the info, I know I'm running a different setup than most and don't want to commit to spending the money if it's not going to help...


    I guess a person just needs to live with the limitations of FSX being so CPU dependant and except it....


    Having the extra two undocked 2D views on each side monitor is a lot of drain on the system FPS, I still can hold 29-30 but in heavy city areas it drops into the mid to low 20's.



  6. Hi Ian,


    I tried copying the info from "window 1 & window 2" it was a complete success!


    This just keeps getting better and better...


    I think I'll pass on trying to get the side windows to open in the correct windows on start up, to me it just seems easier to drag them in their already full screen state to their two respective monitors.


    Thank you so much again for all the help,


  7. Hi Ian,


    Thanks again for the info, I've been working nights and will get a chance to try these edits later today!


    I'll let you know how it works out....


    I've been setting up each plane in my collection, do you know if there is a way to copy the view settings (coordinates) to each livery so that I don't have set each one up manually?


    Example: if I have a Carenado Cessna 172 with 8 different textures, how can I save time to copy the side window views to all of them instead of trying to guess how I position the first one?


    What info determines what plane is being used in the FLT file?




  8. Hi Ian,


    Thanks for the info!


    Ok so I just went in, fired up the simulator, right clicked on the desktop in screen resolution and checked the order of my monitors, the order is:


    42" forward monitor is #1




    27" Left door view monitor is #2




    27" Right door monitor is #3




    Can you help once more with the "Undocked & UndocCoords"  edits for what they should be in the above order?


    I don't understand what undocking does (Undocked=True), when the flight loads up and all the views are on the forward #1 monitor, they are all stacked on top of each other before I move the two side views to their respective monitors are they not already undocked because I can drag them around?




  9. One other thing I finally figured out was how to scale the zoom correctly for three different size monitors.


    I don't know why I thought I could just set the zoom setting all the same for all three monitors and it would look right, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to realize this doesn't work because all three viewing areas are not the same, one is 42" and the other two are 27".


    So when I realized this wasn't right, I found that I needed to zoom the side views in more to match the lower zoom setting of the forward 42" screen.


    At first I was just guessing using the plus and minus keys to zoom in and out trying to get the scale setting right, the human eye is pretty sharp and I was surprised how close I got it without actually using some math to get it almost exact.


    After some thought, this is what I came up with:


    If I take a 27" screen and divide it by a 42" screen:


    27/42 = .6428 


    I get approximately 64%


    I then take 1.00 and minus .64


    1.00 - .64 = .36


    I get .36 which is 36% that needs to be added to the zoom setting on the large 42" screen.


    So if my zoom setting on the forward 42" screen is .56 which is common for widescreen monitors, I would then need to take .56 and multiply it by .36


    .56 X .36 = .2016


    I get approximately .20


    I then take .56 and add .20


    .56 + .20 = .76


    So now I know that both my smaller 27" monitors need to be zoomed to .76 to match the same scale as my 42"


    After doing this I can then use the various movement keyboard keys to line up the edge of the runway with my front and side monitors. 



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  10. Hi Ian,


    Yes I saved the flight, when I set things up for the first time, I had the first view (Virtual Cockpit), then opened a new 2D cockpit view and dragged it to the monitor in one of the doors. Then did the same for the other side.


    I then grab the edges and pull them out to the edges of the monitor to fill the screen.


    If you look closely you can see the thin white frame in the second and third picture showing the left side monitor.


    When I click on the active window I get a small thin 1/6" or 2mm white boarder around the screen, I can barely see it when I'm flying and usually keep it on my left side monitor because it's hardest to see since I'm so close to that screen.


    Note: Whenever I first open the flight all my views are stacked on top of each other on the front larger LCD TV screen, I then have to drag the side views to their respective monitors on the side views. 



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