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Everything posted by Nathan-tebb

  1. Yer I was considering P3D but can't work out which one I would have to buy and how much it would be it's a bit confusing for me lol it is really bugging me as spent quite a bit on this system and thought it would run it no problem :( the flight sim community really need a new up to date flight sim as that I think is the only option that will fix the problems :(
  2. What even that close to the plane I dont mean right off in the distance I mean more a less right on the nose of the plane? I have watched YouTube videos of fsx with my rig and I cant see it happening do you reckon an ssd will change it or not?
  3. Hi this is my first post so excuse me if I have out this in th wrong place or forget some information you need. First of all my system specs are: Asus z87 can't remember the exact model number if you need it let me know I7 4770k overclocked to 4.2ghz Corsair H100 cooler GTX 770 2GB MSI card 8GB Kingston HyperX memory at 1866MHZ 1TB HDD 7200rpm Right now that is out the way lol the problem I have is after getting my new rig shown above I finally managed to install FSX and SP1 and SP2 I loaded up flight sim and then run the online tweaker bojotes one (no other CFG tweaks) and it runs smooth as silk literally no stutters however I am suffering from autogen popping I believe it is called. FSX loads and I spin a couple of times to load the scenery I take off then fly a little bit and then the trees that are a couple of miles in from pop into what they should look like rather than being stick thin. Houses also do it too I have no blurries just this popping. I am running PMDG 737 Rex overdrive FTX EU england I have tried changing setting for a Autogen up and down but it makes no difference my fsx scenery sliders are At about 90% apart from water at 2x Lox Any help appreciated Thanks Nathan
  4. Hi I was just wondering if someone can help me I am looking to try my hand at building my first ever pc however I will only be trying with cheap parts first of all then upgrade if all goes well. Obviously I will need windows of some sort (in this case I have chose 7 but please say if you disagree with that when running fsx) but I was just wondering in the future when I upgrade I have heard that windows can invalidate. Will I then need to buy a new key or just contact Microsoft and explain what I have done? I don't intend to do anything illegal as it will only be running on this pc but was just wondering do I get so many installs before i have to do anything or will it only resister once then I need to buy a new copy. Many thanks in advance for any replies Nathan
  5. Hi I was but then I changed it to various different ones. In the weather selection menu in fsx I have clicked user defined and have modified it in the advanced settings will this cause any problems. Also I have disabled the rex weather programme so that the real world weather won't work. Does rex work with the standard set ups like building storms e.t.c or will it use the default textures? Also my water is set to 1x high. Many thanks Nathan
  6. Hi I have just recieced today my copy of rex essentials + overdrive and am struggling to get it to work :( I have got my directory all set up correctly and have selected my theme that I want I have saved the theme and loaded it however my runway textures are still default and by the looks of it I can't see any major difference in the clouds. I have all the boxes in the settings ticked and have the highest resolution clouds selected. Are there any setting in fsx that need to be set to certain things for it to work? Also I don't want to use the real time weather I like flying in overcast conditions is this possible with rex? Many thanks Nathan
  7. That's great any day now then hopefully with this bad weather probably a bit longer :(
  8. Hi thanks for the reply. Yer it isn't tracked outside the US. I have been dealing with Tim who has been very helpful and gave me the estimate of 7-10 days but was just wondering if anyone else had ordered the disk copy and knew how long theirs took as I have ordered the memory stick deal they have going at the moment To be fair probably me being too eager to get my hands on the amazing looking programme lol
  9. Hi I was wondering if anyone can tell me if they have ordered the disk copy of rex how log it took to get to the UK. I have ordered mine 10 days ago and was wondering how much longer I have to wait lol :( Many thanks Nathan
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