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Community Answers

  1. Gregg_Seipp's post in Reading heading and speed values was marked as the answer   
    Can you provide a snippet of where you're storing the variable and the line you're using for logging?
  2. Gregg_Seipp's post in FTX Global and FTX NA Regions was marked as the answer   
    I just select Global and select Hybrid mode.  Probably the easy thing to do cuz I always forget to switch back and forth.
  3. Gregg_Seipp's post in KRDD taxi oddities was marked as the answer   
    Turns out it's a bug...they'll be issuing a hotfix.
  4. Gregg_Seipp's post in J 4100 and X52 pro was marked as the answer   
    I don't have the Saitek joystick...only a multiswitch.  My thoughts were only from my experience with FSUIPC and my controls and a similar problem of my own which I resolved.
  5. Gregg_Seipp's post in Getting throttle spikes since upgrading FSUIPC was marked as the answer   
    Update to this issue:
    I started getting some more spikes even after uninstalling VAFS.  The end solution was to delete my fsuipc.ini file and let fsuipc create a new one from scratch.  Then I manually recreated my assignments and recalibrated.  Zero spikes for two days even with VAFS running.  Issue resolved.
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