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  1. Negative, there are, on real two airports with the same icao, one is Penglai ( civil airport), other is Laishan ( military airport)
  2. Today I tried to do a flight between zswx and zsyt on China, but in lnm zsyt is red. I controlled, but the airport existes on msfs2020, and using airport design editor, the airport is complete, why? https://drive.google.com/file/d/1RkYiwEY7TDhzYdSPkfiIvIDFcuYjy-I-/view?usp=sharing
  3. yes Manuel the airplane must have two engines on, becuase it has only ground power. The automatic checklist write that you must have two engines on, before you connect the tug.
  4. Hi Manuel, Justflight made this airplane. It is a supersonic airplanes and fly at 2.1 mach, cruise level 60.000 ft and in 4 hours you flight from egll to kjfk.
  5. will fs2crew pushback be modified to make it compatible with Concorde? Now it cannot be used because the plane must have two engines running, as it does not have the APU.
  6. I have problem today with open street map, and the new maps recommended by Alex: osm-de, osme-fr and osm-tf outdoors. All with the same problem. See the photo below no problem with other themes. How I can solve this?
  7. pdfkneeboard: you can see Charts on pdf format into simulator: pdfkneeboard.dll ( version for fsx) add to folder modules pdfkneeboard.dll and pdfkneeboard,ini,add to dll.xml: <Launch.Addon> <Name>PDFKneeboard</Name> <Disabled>False</Disabled> <Path>.\modules\pdfkneeboard.dll</Path> <Commandline /> </Launch.Addon>
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