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Posts posted by crimtye

  1. Hello all,

    I am new to X-Plane and I'm still getting my head around the sim. So far I am very impressed with what X-Plane 11 has to offer out of the box. I am, however disappointed at the way variable winds are interpreted by the sim. For example, on final at EHAM today in the Flight Factor 757 using default real weather, the wind direction changes constantly in excess of 30 degrees causing the aircraft to yaw to a degree I consider unrealistic. 

    Is there some way to 'dampen' these winds? Maybe a flywithlua script that I haven't heard of? I have tried X-Enviro but find it too buggy in it's current state and the performance isn't great on my system either. It's a shame because default real weather in X-Plane is actually very decent apart from this strange yawing effect it seems to be causing. 

    Thanks in advance, I look forward to spending many hours in my new sim.

  2. On 9-9-2017 at 9:43 AM, byork said:

    I'm not just saying this because we have an FS2Crew for it, but the Leonardo Maddog was at PMDG level quality in the system department.

    We're looking forward to the P3D V4 version as well.

    Actually, I would turn that around and say that the PMDG 737 for FS9 at the time was of Maddog quality. IMO their MD80 simulation sets the gold standard for what is possible in FS9 similar to what FSLabs has now done in P3D with their Airbus. In my opinion.

    Cant wait for the updated Maddog. We have but a few screenshots to go from but it looks fantastic. Personally I've been yearning for a graphically superior MD80 than the Maddog 2010 example! 

  3. On 10/03/2017 at 9:35 PM, StarBlue said:

    777 - Needs the -200ER variants and RSR does keep stating it is Anticipated.  However I haven't heard a state of PMDG for a while so not sure where it still stands


    I will never not want the -200ER. It is sorely missed. PMDG please fix this, we know you want to. We need some RR Trent in the FS world, or even the GE90-94B.

  4. I believe it's wired so the light stays on regardless of 'No Smoking' switch position. The 'dings' produced by moving the switch (or automatically if left in 'Auto') are used to alert the cabin before takeoff/landing I believe.

  5. Google, download, and run (as an administrator) the Flight1 Registry Repair tool.

    Hi Kyle,


    I have tried that numerous times already, and no change. I also checked manually in the registry and the correct entries appear to be there. It should be noted that I am using FSX Steam Edition -- not that I think it makes a difference. 




    Ok well I don't know whether you have psychic powers or something Kyle, but I just did the registry fixer *again* and now... it works.




    Smack-dab on that magenta line  :wink: whereas before, it didn't. Great stuff.

  6. Umm well I don't know whether you have any add-on scenery to compare it with. I personally do not have the Sydney scenery. FlyTampa Toronto is the only FlyTampa scenery I have and I don't notice a decrease in fluidity, but that's because I have quite a powerful system. I think performance is likely to be similar to other detailled major airport add-ons (UK2000 Heathrow, Aerosoft Mega Airports, etc...)




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