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About crimtye

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    Awesome Member
  • Birthday August 7

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    Aviation, food.

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  1. I believe it's wired so the light stays on regardless of 'No Smoking' switch position. The 'dings' produced by moving the switch (or automatically if left in 'Auto') are used to alert the cabin before takeoff/landing I believe.
  2. Liking it! Dawn and dusk appear to be fine. Not using Sweet FX yet.
  3. Fantastic screenshots! Would you mind sharing?
  4. I am still having this issue. Simconnect re-install didn't do anything for me. I'm just supposed to run the .msi files in the SDK folder relating to simconnect, correct? The order doesn't matter? Found these topics about the same issue but no solution http://www.avsim.com/topic/479857-loosing-clickspots-in-vc/ http://www.avsim.com/topic/480761-mouse-pointer-weirdness/ Running FSX:SE, happens in both DX9 and DX10
  5. I really just want my Aerosoft Mega Airports night lighting to work.
  6. Hi Kyle, I have tried that numerous times already, and no change. I also checked manually in the registry and the correct entries appear to be there. It should be noted that I am using FSX Steam Edition -- not that I think it makes a difference. EDIT Ok well I don't know whether you have psychic powers or something Kyle, but I just did the registry fixer *again* and now... it works. Smack-dab on that magenta line :wink: whereas before, it didn't. Great stuff.
  7. I am also experiencing this issue with both the MD11 *and* the PMDG 747 (Boxed) and cannot for the life of me figure this one out. Does anyone have any suggestions? Many thanks.
  8. Umm well I don't know whether you have any add-on scenery to compare it with. I personally do not have the Sydney scenery. FlyTampa Toronto is the only FlyTampa scenery I have and I don't notice a decrease in fluidity, but that's because I have quite a powerful system. I think performance is likely to be similar to other detailled major airport add-ons (UK2000 Heathrow, Aerosoft Mega Airports, etc...) Wybe PS This sub-forum requires you to sign posts with your real name :smile:
  9. Generally the 777 is a bit easier on the frame rate, so if you are satisfied with the performance of the NGX, the 777 should be either better, or the same performance wise. Wybe
  10. It worked fine for me in FSX-SE, not in P3D though.
  11. I don't think you can do that. Maybe with the boxed version...
  12. Absolutely stunning, thanks for sharing!
  13. Hello Can anyone inform me as to whether the DA F100/F70 functions in FSX:SE. A severely underrated addon imo. Thanks in advance. EDIT: I also can't spell. Or proofread. Somehow the title has been transformed into a fantastic pun. Ideally it should read: Digital Aviation Fokker: Works in FSX:SE?
  14. Some recent shots : This registration doesn't actually exist anymore (crashed with no loss of life) : I still think the Malaysian 777 is graceful (9M-MRQ is still alive) : BAW B734 A wild Fokker in it's natural habitat:
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