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Boeing or not going

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About Boeing or not going

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  1. clear skies? Activesky cloud layers 3 or higher such as 10+!
  2. The Learjet Immersion package edited my panel.cfg and changed vcockpitxx numbers around they were not counting up from 00 to the end right. I re-numbered them and started and the AP panel lights up as it should. Sorry!
  3. Yes loaded into the default then on the ramp changed to the Lear. First time having the light issue in a long time.
  4. Thanks that works! Back to the panel lights I am climbing in vertical speed and want to switch to speed hold, i press SPD nothing lights up. I am at a high altitude it should light up as M for mach hold but is not doing that! Should I post in the panel lights topic sorry for getting off this topic! edit: the altitude hold is not lighting up in the AP panel. Neither is Altitude Capture. Before this new Fuel patch yesterday on my flight it was all okay.
  5. The counter, press the black dial and it counts up from 0000. Not always counting up right with the tip tank mod
  6. Works great! A little quirk I noticed now the count up meter you press the black circle on the center pedestal has stopped counting I cant get it to start.
  7. I replaced the texture.common files and looked to delete duplicates some files had a .bmp and .dds texture I removed the bmp Now it works great!
  8. Imaginesim still did not fix in their update a duplicate fltsim.2 entry in Imagine Simulation\WSSS Singapore P3Dv4\animations\Documents_Prepar3D v4 Add-ons\ImagineSim Airport Pawns\SimObjects\GroundVehicles\imaginesim_citybus
  9. For so much water in the region I get bad performance than I should. I have not updated it in a long time and never used the animations addon some people said caused a ctd.
  10. I opened the KFLL afcad the dummy runway is too small length and is outside of sdk standards that might be the cause of the crash.
  11. Some people are floating do I need to disable GSE and peopleflow? i disabled Orbx PAKT altitude and use yours EDIT disabled files PLC_PAKT_GSE.bgl, PLC_PAKT_people.bgl to remove the floating people/objects
  12. the gsx ini should point to the exact afcad in use in your case the south is not active so what is the bgl name for the active afcad? put that in the afcad= line of the gsx ini
  13. Milviz updated B55. I can install the WX Advantage option and change the gauge to this wx gauge and it will work?
  14. It is such a shame that Flight1 did not continue Ultimate Traffic development. There were just 2 major bugs in that program, aircraft disappearing when flying over water, and aircraft only appearing and disappearing a small time before and after their flight plan was active. If these could have been fixed, and maybe the gui updated, UT2 would be the best AI traffic program. It has AI aircraft flying more realistic routings than direct-to-gps like every other AI program, and had a lot of customization. But like in life, nothing can be perfect I guess.
  15. Orbx's earlier airports are a fps hog, they never addressed that problem. All the Australia airport scenery are very hard on fps. I have read reports of the new YMMLv3 being a little better performance wise. This is an old topic you could have created a new one.
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