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About PIC007

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  1. QW Update: Finally talked to Ernie....no details but QW is alive but in a holding pattern while a possible restructuring is being considered. Nothing else at this point.
  2. Been holding off replying to this in hopes that someone from the QW dev team would reply.....but looks like no joy. I am not part of the dev team but I am/was on their beta team since close to day 1...and I have been trying to contact either Ernie or Corey direct but no joy there either, so as with others I can only guess what QW's status is. If I do hear anything direct from them I will pass it on if they don't. What I do know is this......the 787 is a beast! It is way more complicated than any project on the market, and I voiced that concern to them when they decided it was to be their first project for 2020. I was heavily involved in the testing for FSX and I tried to convince them to go with a simpler plane for an initial release...specifically the 757, but unfortunately no one listened to me, so here we are. If the 787 ever does get completed by QW it will blow everything else out of the water, and that includes the other 'premium' developers, I can't begin to tell you the depth of detail involved! Again, if I hear anything I will post, meantime just keep hoping!
  3. Canada and US..no........... Vietnam .. yes 🙂
  4. Trim is used to remove pressure on the yoke........ Once you have your airspeed stable adjust the trim to remove any pressure from the yoke/stick.....that's all there is to it. If/when you change airspeed you will need to re-trim.
  5. I get the same problem..for me I close the sim then restart it and then the update works
  6. 757 my favorite....but I'll wait for the QW version.
  7. I had the same basic problem..... first time it wanted to reinstall....so I closed the sim and restarted it and the second time it took me to the download..... just more weird word not allowed from the devs'
  8. The VOR has nothing to do with the ILS...be sure you have the freq set into the correct radio.
  9. My solution...I use the trim switch on the YOKE for large adjustments and the Bravo wheel for minor ones....works like a charm!
  10. I agree that the whole process is time consuming, excessive, and frustrating. What makes it even more so is that once you finish the main updates, you then have to go to the 'Content Manager' and do it all over again for stuff you already have installed........I have a fast internet and it still takes hours,
  11. I also use the Alpha and Bravo and found a few things that needed adjusting..... #1 The START position is not spring loaded so you need to manually return it to the RUN position #2 The switches on the Bravo duplicate some of the switches on the Alpha so to avoid conflict re-assign them to other options Once I did that I have zero issues
  12. My only input is..... if it aint broke, don't fix it :rolleyes:
  13. Let me be the first to point out that GEX is not designed to replace any LC, mesh, etc, it is ONLY textures. It is also designed to work seamlessly with UTX and ALL other LC and also includes it's own 'tree' fix. Unlike FTX they do not change any FS core values to force others to comply with their install, and they also include a backup and uninstaller PLUS a 30 day money back refund. Another amazing benefit is with GEX I get a performance boost unlike any I have seen before. I run unlimited FPS on a 6 year old machine and I now get 40-60 consistently and smooth as silk sim with zero 'popping'. As far as posting 'locations', thats your complaint? Seriously? Anthony has posted locations on a lot of shots and I am positive if you have a specific shot in mind he is more than happy to provide it, they are not hiding anything, in fact they are extremely proud of their product as they, IMHO, are not only the best, they are also the FIRST! That alone is enough to keep my flying with GEX, the rest is eye candy without attitude. After seeing customers banned from the FTX forums over the years because they are not '######', I stay as far away from FTX as possible, even though I could add some stories here, I wont.
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