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  1. I’ve been using the PMDG 737 left CDU on my iPad Mini with no problems for over a year. However, for the last month it frequently stops responding, with a message that I’m not connected to the server. Sometimes it reconnects after a while, often it doesn’t. I’ve tried restarting the aviaServer, and making a fresh connection using the QR code, but neither has helped. When this happens, the iPad has no problem connecting to external sites via the same wifi network, so the network seems to be okay. I haven’t made any changes to my PC or my router during this time, and there aren’t any additional devices on the wifi network. The disconnections are so frequent and prolonged that I can’t effectively use it with the 737 now. Any solutions or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
  2. I had the exact same problem in December. It took me weeks to figure it out, so if your problem comes back, here’s one more solution to consider: I had bought a new HDR-capable monitor. There is a Windows display setting to enable HDR, and I had turned it on and then forgotten about it. After I (eventually) turned it off, MSFS returned to normal. I was able to reproduce it by turning HDR on again in Windows. During this time, I had worked extensively with MSFS support without luck, and had done partial and complete reinstalls of MSFS without success. I had also rolled back the NVidia driver, but that didn’t fix it for me. Eventually I put it together that the problem began shortly after setting up the new monitor, and that I had made a Windows change around then. All is well now, and I doubt I’m missing out much on HDR.
  3. To all: I want to upgrade my monitor for MSFS – I currently have a 27” Dell SDR monitor, but would like something larger and with higher resolution. However, I’m not sure what the highest-spec monitor is that my PC hardware can handle. If someone could point me to a site that has this type of information, I’d appreciate it. (FYI, these are my PC specs: CPU: Intel i9-9900 @3.10 GHz, 8 core, 32GB memory GPU GeForce RTX 2080) Thanks for your help!
  4. Thanks everyone for these great ideas – all very helpful. I’ll try working more with the throttle and less with trying to fine tune the trim to keep a reasonably stable altitude. (FYI, I had posted this question first in the Simworks Studios Discord before here – the discussions there are also very lively and thoughtful - but no one responded, which made me think the problem was most likely just with me!)
  5. Thanks, everyone, I really appreciate the responses. Bobsk8, I’m able to first stabilize the altitude and speed with my joystick – but I can’t find a trim wheel setting that keeps it stable when I take my hand off the joystick. I always get the slow bob of +/- 100 feet. So I think the problem is being unable to stabilize using the trim wheel. Stearmandriver, I don’t think I’m using an axis. The Honeycomb Bravo treats the trim wheel as a button, and I’ve got it set at a low sensitivity so each turn of the Bravo wheel moves the sim wheel less than a click. And I’ve tried this with the Bravo disconnected, only moving the sim wheel using my mouse, with the same result. So I’m wondering if others are able to trim the Kodiak in cruise, without AP, and get a constant altitude without any bobbing, and I'm doing something wrong – or if this is the normal behavior and I should expect it. Thanks again for your ideas!
  6. To all, I’d appreciate advice about elevator trimming during cruise with the Kodiak. When I try to do that with no wind, the nose pitches up and down slowly. The altitude rises and falls slowly with this, and the best I can get is an up-down range of around 200 ft, and even getting the range that narrow takes a lot of gentle manipulation of the trim wheel. This happens at different amounts of torque and RPMs, different altitudes, different centers of gravity, and whether I use the Honeycomb Bravo (with low sensitivity) or turn that off and just mouse over the trim wheel. (FWIW, the altitude stays completely level when I use AP, and doesn’t change when I turn AP off – the bobbing only starts if I change altitude or speed and try to retrim). Is this normal, or is there something I should do differently? Thanks!
  7. Maybe not quite the same thing, but I've set up my iPad as a 3rd monitor, in addition to my 2 Dell's. I use Splashtop Wired XDisplay, which is a free desktop program + app for this, and it works well. The desktop program is at Turn your Tablet into a Monitor | Splashtop Wired XDisplay | Use Tablet as Second Screen, and the iPad app is in the App Store. So far I've used this with the pop-out screens, moving them to the iPad. I've had 4 open at a time, with no noticeable drop in frame rate in either the FBW A32N or the Cessna 172 with Garmin Nxi (I haven't tried more than 4, but no reason to think that would be problem since I've opened 6 on my 2nd monitor with no frame rate loss). All of them including the PFD and MFD have been very responsive. And no cost (except the cable I needed to attach the iPad to a USB port on my desktop). To set this up with other gauges, it should work with Spad.Next and Virtual FIP Gauges, but I haven't tried that yet. Since I think some of those may have interactivity (like turning knobs), it's possible they might slow things down.
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