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Jeff D

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  1. VHF1 is selected. PTT is set correctly in vpilot(vatsim) along with the correct audio drivers. I load the FBW A320 and radios work. Gotta be a setting I'm not seeing or is different than the FBW
  2. Can someone help me get the radio working on this aircraft.Gotta be something I have to do that I dont have to do on the FBW. Unable to transmit or receive. Thanks
  3. Spoke too soon. Just finished up a flight from KEWR to KATL. Shut the game down and tried to load it back up. It's stuck on checking for updates AGAIN. How frustrating Update. After 10-12 minutes of checking for updates, the game loaded in and worked properly. Hopefully they figure it out.
  4. They must have worked on something in the wee hours of the night. The game loaded properly, no hang at checking updates, and no CTD. Wonder if they will share with us what happened.
  5. So I did another uninstall/reinstall. Now the game crashes 2/3 into the loading screen. Community folder empty, lastest nvdia driver installed. This is getting rediculous. Anybody else getting CTD's?
  6. Had this happen a few days ago. I eventually had to uninstall/reinstall the game. That worked. Now after this last small update today, not even reinstalling the game works.Don't know if it could be related, but have noticed an increase in micro stutters over the last 2 days.
  7. Still tweaking my new rig with the rtx4090. Wow, I am impressed with the improved performance over the old rig with the 3070ti. Whats happening is when i click on monitor 2 to perform a task, the frame rate drops by one half, and the mouse cursor has to be clicked well left of the buttons. I am playing the game on monitor 1. Why would switching to monitor2 cause this to happen. Never happened on the old rig.I am using TAA with frame generation ON. Monitor 1 is on a DP and is 4K, monitor 2 is HDMI and is a 1440p.
  8. Yea, I saw it. Pretty frustrating, but hopefully they fix it soon.
  9. I think you may be correct.The update completed a few minutes ago. I quit to desktop, restarted the computer and then restarted the game. It is now hung up on the "checking for updates" screen. Looks like I'll have to use the task manager to quit the game, but I'll let it sit for a while to see if it completes the update check.
  10. So here I sit waiting for the update to complete. The status bar says I'm at 100%. But for the last 2 hours I'm stuck at "Decompressing microsoft-aircraft-dc3-1.2.2.fspatch..." Is this normal. Never had something like this happen when updating. What could be going on. Computer specs : i712600, 32G memory.
  11. Ok. Got the profile into simbrief. The profile loaded 68 passengers, so I edited the flight plan and cut the passengers in half, which of course reduced the takeoff weight. Takeoff was exactly as you stated. It lifted off the runway actually by itself well within the runway length. I did have to trim a little nose down just after takeoff. Thank you so much for your help.
  12. OK. I see you have the variant HH726. I've been using the other 2 microsoft variants. I need to hunt down that variant and get into my simbrief airframes. I try that one. Thanks for all your help.
  13. Yes. Trim is adjusted after pressing "confirm takeoff data" There's a pink arrow that is adjusted into position
  14. Not taking off downwind. I'll check the brakes in msfs. Here's my typical 2 hour Simbrief flight plan :https://photos.app.goo.gl/vDyWBAad4nJeFL8S7
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