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  1. Hi, has anyone an solution for the terrain plateau bug in the flightbeam NZWN scenery? Only P3dv5 has this bug. Thanks Urmel
  2. Thanks,will be very nice. Hopefully I can fix it also. Regards Urmel
  3. Hi everybody, has anyone Aerosoft Rotterdam X running in the newest P3d? I've some issues with the Ground Textures. Thanks Urmel
  4. I installed my old Vidan Design (Now: SimNord) again. And I'm really impressed. This one is 9 years old ans still looks fantastic. A lot of fun in Denmark.
  5. I'm considering since years to purchase it. But there are not so many flights in real life for it. Does anyone know if there is an European Air Charter Repaint for the Maddog available. Not sure how long this airline will fly the Maddog, but for the moment it is the only chance for European flights. Regards Urmel
  6. Is anyone using this new soundpackage from simmarket?
  7. With FSLabs to Aerosoft Madrid. Have fun! Urmel
  8. Departure from Aerosoft Barcelona together with ORBX Barcelona. Have fun! Urmel
  9. Fantastic scenery! I love it. Really high qualtiy. Have fun! Urmel
  10. from Berlin to Aerosoft Tel Aviv. Fantastic Approach! Have Fun! Urmel
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