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About Pe11e

  • Birthday 04/29/1979

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    Flight Simulation, Simracing, Audio/Music Production, Photography, Video Production/Editing

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  1. Thanks. That is a good news since I'm exclusively flying -800.
  2. Yes, I'm aware of the facts, and that Zibo is still going strong. I also noticed a lack of features in LVUP version. But I've read somewhere that LVUP has better flight model and flaring, although, that was at the time after the release, and ZIBO worked on updates since then a lot. I was mostly interested how LVUP performs LNAV/VNAV/descents/ILS captures, etc.
  3. So after flying Toliss A319 for couple of years (and really enjoying it), I wasn't able to fly a single flight in A Pilot's Life v2 for a 3 months, so I got fired by Aegean, haha. So, I got the 737NG license and accepted the job in Air Europa, that has fleet of 17 B737-800. To summarize, for some reason, I enjoy LevelUp rendition more, possibly and mostly because of the audio package. It sounds really really good. But if ZIBO (latest version for XP11) is more stable with LNAV and VNAV, and generally regarding navigation, I might go with it. Your opinions after testing both?
  4. But require a healthy disk. Imagine doing a backup and original disk fail. You will sing an internet hymn. 🙂 Joke aside, nothing, and I mean nothing is secure today. Even major companies that have thousands of servers and backups aren't secure and bullet proof. Remember CrowdStrike drama few days ago? My only way to backup things is to copy everything important on my external HDD storage, but again, what if it fails? (I'm running to the store to get 2 more). 🙂
  5. Interestingly for you, all kind of disks can fail, especially if they are old. Nothing without a new backup copy every couple of years. 🙂
  6. "Don't call him Shirley" cost too much, as any AI subscription based flightsim service. Soon one flight will cost us around 10 bucks, and our wives will finally find a proper reason to look at us with a pinch of evil.
  7. I've checked few freeware helis for XP11, and I deleted every single one of them after 5 minutes of testing. I can't even compare the quality of DF S300CBi with freeware stuff, it's another league. From modelling, textures, features, soundset and finally flight model. I won't limit myself to freeware stuff if there's no enjoyment whatsoever. SASL is fine, I have 100-140fps on the monitor with S300CBi on my 12900k + 3090. For XP12 it's a bit different, freeware Alouette III HSF is solid, maybe payware quality.
  8. Please try Dreamfoil S300CBi. It's so small, you can hug it. 🙂
  9. Can I chime in? I bought Dreamfoil S300CBi for XP11 few months ago, and I immensely enjoy it to the bits. It feels alive, not scripted like some other addons. You can feel it especially on engine startup, how it flutters a bit when you introduce fuel, and then you engage clutch and throttle up slowly. Needles jumping all around, you must be really really smooth and careful, especially without a governor kit. And then you takeoff, and another set of smiles are there. I also plan to get it for XP12, but Quest 2 and 3090 are not a good combo for VR in that sim, even now in 12.1.0 beta. Simply can't have 36fps locked (with frame reprojection - 72fps in the headset), and I tried using FSR, but image gets blurry too much for me. 4090 or nothing. VR performance in XP11 though is rock solid, and very sharp with the same system, and I don't think XP11 served it just yet. A old and trusty sim. I also enjoy some helis in MSFS (Taog stuff), but not nearly as much I enjoy VskyLabs R66 (with DHM soundpack) and Dreamfoil S300CBi.
  10. Yes, that is why I got it in the first place. It adjusts the visuals globally.
  11. Can you share a screenshot of your hand controllers button assignments in MSFS? Or just share name of commands for these knob controls? I would like to try. Thanks.
  12. 99% it's VisualXP. I mean for 10 bucks, it's highly worth it. People can talk nonsense 24/7 about MSFS visuals, but that sim needs its VisualXP like app asap. Not a single monitor or VR display is the same, not to mention user preferences.
  13. Yep. Saw it, shared it. One of the most realistic looking shots so far from any sim.
  14. VR implementation is MUCH better than in other sims (even better than in Aerofly FS 2/4, can go into detail why). No need to use the mouse at all, you can just use hand controllers, and build your muscle memory if you are preparing to be a commercial pilot (just an example). With an index finger button click, you can manipulate all the stuff in the cockpit. In Toliss, there is no need for click and drag movement to flick the switches. You just click on Landing Lights switch, and they will change the state from Off to Retracted, and then to On with another click. Every next click reversed the behavior. Very practical if you ask me, especially when you compare to click and drag system like in MSFS. Of course VR implementation depends on an aircraft, it's not great in every single addon. You can also "hold" the virtual flight stick, yoke, and throttle quadrants to control the aircraft, no need for real hardware around your desk, but I don't prefer that method as in my case muscle fatigue was severe. You simply can't hold the hand in air holding a virtual flight stick for more than few minutes, throttle quadrants included. Aerofly FS 2/4 has best VR implementation if you want to fly at native fps without frame projection, and hand controllers are depicted as hands in the sim (not as VR controllers in XP11/12), but the switches manipulation is VERY cumbersome. Since you manipulate the switches only with VR index finger, you will find yourself flicking many switches by accident. I accidentally switched off the left engine in A320 that way. 😄 As soon as I put down my right VR hand controller on my small desk on my right side, it accidentally flicked the engine master switch to off. Not very practical lol. You can also pinch switches with VR thumb and index finger, but it's so hard to do so as "click" spots are extremely small. Not sure why Aerofly FS 2/4 dev team did it that way. Implementation in MSFS is clumsy too. First of all you must disable the laser pointer with a button click, as it's not immersive to manipulate everything with a virtual stick lol. You can manipulate the switches by click (in some aircraft), or click and drag in majority of other aircraft. Click spots are usually tiny. Rotating the MCDU knobs is disastrously slow, you will find yourself rotating for 10-20 seconds to change the speed from 140 to 250 for example, or Heading from 270 to 0. In Toliss it lasts few seconds, where you need couple of seconds to adjust single digits. Also in MSFS you can't grab the virtual flight stick or yoke. The only thing I like in MSFS VR implementation is that VR hand controllers disappear after couple of seconds when not using them, so no need to put them away from the desk. In my case, they block PFD and ND in Toliss.
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