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About PaladinX

  • Birthday 05/20/1978

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  1. I have another question: Which are the buttons on the Nav-Display to switch up/down and left/right? I clicked all visible switches and buttons but i can not scroll down e.g. when i open the procedures page. Also i can not enter any airport codes.
  2. Update: After several new installations, it seems to have worked. I dont have drops to 6 fps anymore. But: Its still switchin nearly each second between 30 fps and 21 fps (a variance of nearly 25%) No other aircraft causes such a framedrop on my system. Always around 28 to 30 fps. But ok, 21-30 fps are flyable so far, even with heavy clouds. As the Feelthere Forums seem to be down, do anybody have an idea how i can deactivate that windhield reflections which are too much in my eyes? I see my Pilot and some passengers...i dont like it. Am i right that there are no updates for the Phenom? Still version 1.0? Thanks, Jan
  3. Hi Scoob, i am aware how to set the compatibility modes in Win8. It is not checked while i install the Phenom. I am not aware, how i can check if WIn8 installs it in compatibility mode by its own - i can only check its NOT activated when i right-click the setup.exe. All i can do is uninstall and re-install (what i have done now 3 times). Still the same problem. http://www.picpaste.com/BDoJnMYu.jpg
  4. @scoob, im not aware i can run the installer in another way than "as administrator" or normal...i reinstalled it as administrator. But yes, my FSX is running as admin, which is shown by the little shield-logo on the icon. By the way, your link seems not to work :( @bdf369: i have a retail version distributed by JustFlight. I have no Zip File i can unpack. I see all the files directly on the DVD. there, i run the "setup.exe" as admin...
  5. Now i de-installed and re-installed (with right-click --> run as admin). Same situation. Standing on the airfield. A2A Cessna. 30 fps. Changing the plane to the Phenom. A second 30 fps, then 12, again 30 fps for a second, then 9,5 fps. Again 30 fps, then finally 5,5 fps. Inside and Outside the machine. Engines not running, displays black. Changing back to the standard cessna...baaam! 30 fps and stable. What the heck is wrong with the Phenom? :(
  6. I will try this later at home. Thanks for the hint. :smile:
  7. Yes i tried all the changeable options in the configurator with no effects on the framerate. Im really out of ideas.
  8. Hello all. I recently bought the Phenom 100, i like to fly a easy-to-handly private jet for fast flights. My problem: The performance is unplayable low (6-7 fps) as soon as i choose this machine. Standard: I have absolute stable 30 fps in every situation, with standard aircraft, the A2A Cessna and Twin Otter Extended. Installed: FSX + Acc, FSGlobal 2010, FTX Gobal, FTX Vector, Rex Essential HD, Ultimate Traffic 2 Even on high traffic airports, with tons of clouds, i have stable 30 fps. When i choose the Phenom, it drops to 6-7, sometimes 10 fps. Inside the Cockpit and on external view. Has anybody an idea what could cause this drop? I have already decreased the instruments refresh rate to 50 %, no change. My System: i2500K @4.4 Ghz, 8 GB Ram, Geforce GTX 780, Win8. I really would like to fly that plane :( Regards, Jan
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