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2 Neutral

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  • Website URL
    http://www.justflight.com and www.justtrains.net

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  • Location
    North Oxfordshire, UK
  • Interests
    All thing aviation and railway.

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About Me

  • About Me
    I am the publishing Director for Just Flight and Just Trains. My profile is here:http://www.justflight.com/the-crew Please drop me a mail or PM if you are interested in getting your creation out into a wider world.
  1. Gentlemen, Thank you for your feedback. The HUD should have been pretty good. I will investigate why it has not met your expectations and see what can be improved. The VC textures are always a subjective subject but will also look at them as well. The Saudi text should have been correct and also picked up before release. I will get this corrected. Regards Alex Ford Just Flight.
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