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Status Updates posted by LecLightning56

  1. With regard to the Digital Design Tivat recently released, you mentioned installing the Montenegro photoreal scenery and using autogen from Italy Photoreal. 

    I have downloaded and installed the Montenegro photoreal scenery and it is very good. The colour looks a little washed out (slightly sickly green, any way of improving that?) but obviously no trees. How do you put the Italy Photoeal autogen into the sim once having downloaded the file concerned so that it coincides with the Montenegro scenery?

    1. GSalden


      DL the complete Europe Autogen at the site and look at the grid table what AG zip files you need.

      Just unpack the needed Autogen folders into one folder called Texture and put that next to the Montenegro Scenery folder. Make sure that the agn files are directly in the Texture folder


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