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  1. Thanks for the answer.<br /><br />If it was designed that way, then my suggestion would be to drop the Arrow completly because it cause more confusion than help. Just give me a digital readout of the speed and direction.<br />20 kts<br />160°<br />That would be fine.<br /><br /><br />Normally the use of the needle in the Wind gauge is to give a visual clue of the Wind direction in relation to the plane heading. In other word do I have a tail Wind, a head Wind or side Wind. I do not have to do the figuring out, the needle did the job and show me the result.<br /><br />You can check, the Quest Kodiak has a Wind gauge on the PFD of the G1000.<br /><br />I know, it is some what more complicated to do a relational gauge, may be in later version...<br /><br />Regards.
  2. Reinhard, could you check the Wind gauge and let me know if you found a problem with it. The wind speed is OK but the Arrow giving the Wind dirtection is pointing in the wrong direction even if the Comms Checker gives the proper value. Even when you turn the plane by 90 degree the Arrow does not move. Thanks
  3. Thanks for such a fast reply. It is fixed. By the way, sorry for the Capital letter in the header of the post. I did not mean to shout at you I did not quite realise I was writing a post on internet as oppose to an email... :rolleyes:
  4. When I use the EFIS radio gauge with simplugins or FSUIPC plugin I get this display COM1 Active is displaying COM2 Active COM2 Active is displaying 118.75 all the time Can someone confirm that it is problem or give me a clue on how to fix that Thanks
  5. I want to confirm this fix and the fact that both machines are to be on DECIMAL PERIOD not COMMA Beware French Canadian config, this is set to comma by default (in win 7). You have to change it on both machine. Your machine can be french but the decimal separator has to be PERIOD (un point, pas une virgule)
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