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  1. Hi all, I have an issue where after a computer restart, my Saitek Radio Panel works as expected when running SPAD. However, if I quit FSX (or P3D for that matter), the display won't work again until a computer restart. That said, it's still being read, as it still changes radio frequencies (at least in the SPAD utility.) Anyone know how to fix? Thanks
  2. Hi all, I tried a forum search on this in addition to looking through the manuals but could not locate an answer. For an unknown reason, I can't get NAV1 radio to operate. Whether I input a VOR station frequency or an ILS frequency - it is not responding / working. NAV 2 is fine. Anyone have a clue as to what's going on? I've looked at the Radio Stack and the Overhead Panel and all looks ok.....I'm obviously missing something. Appreciate any assistance.
  3. Hello! Just one question. Does NGX support automatic radio tuning. Because many airlines have that option. I can't find a button for enabling it from my CDU. Thanks!
  4. Hi All I'm new to FSX and I think I'm misunderstanding how the sim works. I like to use the GPS systems and fly VFR at this early stage and I can't get the radios to work as advertised. The problem arises when I attempt to contact the tower of my destination airport anywhere from 20-40 miles out. Like the instructions say, I can use the Waypoint page of the GPS to look up the tower frequency. When I select it with Enter it does update the Com1 channel on the GPS itself but when I swap it to active, only the Com1 field on the GPS changes. The radio in the radio stack doesn't update to the new channel so what was the point? Even if I manually set the channel on Com1 in the radio stack (then swap it to active), the ATC menu doesn't reflect the new channel or bring up the menu for the tower, so what was the point of setting the Com1 radio if I can't talk to the tower anyway? Are there 'sync' steps I'm missing that push the com channel to the radio stack and to the ATC menu? Or to make the ATC menu actually update to match the new COM1 channel I've just set in the radio stack? It's a real challenge (and rather clunky) to have to chase down the tower in the ATC "nearest airport" menu when its beyond 2 pages down and there's a lot of airports in the area that make the airport list jump around alot. you can't pause the sim to freeze the ATC airport list because then the ATC menu becomes unresponsive. :( I'm guessing the answer here is going to be very obvious because I haven't found any other posts asking about tuning the radios. It's just me :) ThanksClark
  5. Is there any documentation of the VRInsight MCP II Radio Commands? I can view the diagram in the MCP II Documentation but there is no explanation of the function. E.G is Comm a select of the comm? Where in the Radio function is Comm2 selected. When one looks at the Linda Window, there is no assignment to the Comm buttons. For example, the MCP II documentation shows Swap (<-->), AUX and Lights. What are these used for (I know swap switches primary and secondary frequencies, but how are they displayed? I can't seem to find any documentation on this section in either Linda or VRInsight documentation. Please help.
  6. Each time I start with default aircraft, after I start the engine radios turns on and that happens: COM1 is selected (It's normal) and MRK Button is selected (I do not want this)... How can I settle radio stack defaults? Can you change the default radio frequencies? I don't want my MRK button selected after I open the avionics master switch, I'd appreciate for quick responses. thanks.
  7. I have been content with saitek drivers till now.. they have worked for me but I notice that when I switch the radio panel from com1 to com2 the BIP tiles dont switch to reflect that (same with Nav1 and Nav2). The BIP only responds to the Com and Nav buttons in the 2D and 3D cockpit (Baron 58 and variations) Does anyone who has SPAD running their panels have the same issue or does SPAD enable the BIP to interract with the radio panel settings.
  8. Is it possible to use a touch screen to tune the radios on the 737NGX? I have an Android tablet and Air Display and would like to put the pedestal on the tablet so that I can tune the radios on that tablet. Is it possible to tune using gestures such as sliding a finger vertically and horizontally? Thanks Dave
  9. dickneuf

    Freq. problem

    When starting the T777 with engines off, with Ivap and starting up the radio is Always on 136.97 in the Ivap panel the same happen with Vatsim using V-pilot. I can not change the radio to another freq. it automatic turns back to 136.97. When i starting up with running engines i dont have these problems. Hope somebody can help me with this. Thanks for the reply Dick.
  10. When I use the EFIS radio gauge with simplugins or FSUIPC plugin I get this display COM1 Active is displaying COM2 Active COM2 Active is displaying 118.75 all the time Can someone confirm that it is problem or give me a clue on how to fix that Thanks
  11. Hello. I just received the Saitek radio panel and in my hurry to see if it worked I forgot all about SPAD. I had read that some people just plugged it in and it worked without using the disk or any other drivers other than what might have install when plugging in the USB. I tried this and it didn't work so I used the provided disk. The radio worked great with all of my planes except the Flight1 King Air and the Majestic Dash 8. This makes sense considering that the other planes radios/gps run off of the FSX ones. And if I remember correctly it wouldn't tune the A2A ADF, but worked fine for everything else. I realize that I may not be able to use it with the Majestic because quite honestly I'm not even sure exactly how the communication/navigation work with such an advanced, complex aircraft. I did notice a com 1 little window in the center console and I did find a screen further back on the center console that looked like it was where you would set frequencies, but that type of aircraft is out of my league considering my current aviation knowledge. Will it just simply not work with this aircraft? The King Air is a little different. For about every 15 "clicks" of the knob the frequency might change once. And I know it won't swap frequencies at all. With this planes G1000 it should be able to do this in my mind. Is there any chance that if I delete the Saitek drivers and use SPAD drivers that these issues would clear up? Thank you for any help.
  12. Tonight is not my night. So I'm just trying to learn how to properly check in with Tower using the G1000 and radios somewhat "realistically" and I can't get them to work as describe in the Lesson pages. This time I'm trying to manually tune the radio as described in the lessons. What is supposed to happen: look up the tower frequency in the WPT tab of the G1000 (check), highlight the tower frequency (check), press ENT to move the frequency into the Com1 input field (doesn't work), or press 'c' and manually enter the frequency into the Com 1 input field then swap the freq into the active field (check), open ATC and see the menu options for Tower there (doesn't work; the ATC menu is stuck at some Approach comm for a nearby airport and "back" takes me only to "select nearest airport" menu). I can't seem to get much radio/Garmin stuff to work as described tonight. Do the manual tuning/ATC menus work for the rest of you all? Is there something obvious I'm missing here? If I manually tune Com1 to a weather station I'll hear the broadcast, but if I tune to a Tower the ATC menu won't recognize it... ThanksClark
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