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Michael Smith

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    Aviation, Sports, Family, USMC

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    FAA Ground Instructor & Private Pilot - Instrument
  1. These are only for FSX and P3D v2. Is there one for P3D v1.4?
  2. Hey y'all - update as I have now migrated to P3D v2... Enjoying it thoroughly, especially with the new Orbx packages that have P3D v2 installers! Happy to field any questions you might have!
  3. Interesting comment... I've only spent about 4 hours of dual instruction in a Schweizer 300, now I think known as the Sikorsky S-300, and that was about 8 years ago, but one thing I'll never forget is how many times the instructor insisted on calling landings "set downs" and takeoffs "pick ups".
  4. Hi guys - I apologize for just now seeing your posts... I thought I would get an email when I received comments on the thread... anyhow... Henry - everything so far has been just wonderful. The hardware is all still working and add-ons have gone in seamlessly. I have not moved the photo scenery package but not sure I even will since FTX Global is out now... we'll see. I am also looking forward to V2 later this year or next. The only thing that could seriously hinder me going to P3D 2.0 is if someone developed a 64-bit plug-in for my Elite ProPanel II hardware for X-Plane 10. As off now, nothing exists and no one is interested. But no complaints here with P3D! John - thanks! But how long is temporarily? I just don't want to need any of these files in the FSX folder and not have them. I'm not interested in keeping them around for nostalgia...
  5. Hello everyone - I am nearly migrated completely from FSX to P3D 1.4 after just purchasing the professional license. So far I have migrated some add-ons... PilotEdge, REX, Elite USB controls driver, and some others with no problems yet... On the FSX drive I have left the full state of California MegaScenery and the FSX folder. Any recommendations on what files I should save from the FSX folder before I uninstall FSX? Maybe some CFG files? And please no trying to change my mind and keep the FSX install alive... I have just been too happy with P3D thus far!
  6. Thanks y'all - I will try both of these!
  7. Hello AVSIM Staff & Members, I'm enjoying getting back into flight simulation after so many years away... but having a hard time keeping track of the various forum sites, support sites, gossip sites, vendor sites, and my real life! Anyone out there have an idea, or even know of a utility that will manage passwords to all of these sites that form the backbone of support for our hobby? Right now I have to keep up with... AVSIM, VATSIM, PilotEdge, VATSIM Emirates, Flight1Tech, Flight1Tech Support, Elite, and the list goes on and on... Now I know I can take the old fashioned route of writing the different passwords down but looking for something more secure. I can also allow the browser to save passwords, but also not the most secure, and on some sites I have even different usernames and password rules. So, any ideas? Or even methods of configuring browsers to work best with so many different forum sites, with different user names and passwords for each? Thanks for the help!
  8. I was logged in as admin and UAC was turned off a long time ago. There is also no antivirus software installed on this computer.
  9. Hello - I have PilotEdge installed and working properly on FSX. I have tried to install SB4 as well to use on VATSIM for flights outside of the PilotEdge airspace. However, when I attempt to install SB4, the installation crashes near the end of the process. A lot of SB4 files are placed on the drive but the application will not launch. Is SB4 compatible with Win 7 64-bit and can it be installed while another application such as PilotEdge is already installed? Thanks!
  10. Ok so here's the deal... the Horizon Simulation A-22 designed by Rick Piper is a cool little airplane but I did not have success with using the converter (mentioned above) in bringing the airplane into FSX with DirectX 10 Preview selected. Granted, DX10 is only a preview but anyway, no success. But, I DID find this model for FS9: http://flightsimulatorjbs.blogspot.ae/2013/04/aeroprakt-22ls-foxbat-wheel-ski.html This was the one I talked about earlier in the post but at that time I couldn't find the link. So, I tried it and the result was pretty good, except black glass (windows and windscreen) and a solid gray propeller. I managed to swap the propeller texture file out with the default C172 from FS9 and that made it look presentable. But I've tried the same trick with glass textures and having no luck. Any ideas?
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