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Posts posted by Mroberts95

  1. 3 minutes ago, Flic1 said:

    For me personally, it's a no-brainer to wait for the Flightbeam version at this point which should be in the next month or two.  Looks like a 'revenge release' after BM Amsim teased MSP last year and then FB immediately released their version when it had been expected to take much longer.  Tough business!

    I used a giftcard to see if its worth it, It wasnt lol

    • Like 1

  2. 9 minutes ago, Jeff Nielsen said:

    Ah right.  I think someone over in ini's Discord said they thought it was a .bin file that's wrong and have emailed BM.  It does pretty much make the scenery unflyable as the GSX error loops over and over and over again right in the middle of your screen.

    I was probably that person, I emailed as well as sent a facebook chat to ask, Inside of the bin files is the only place I can think of something being broken, Granted GSX doesnt point to where the error comes from, Just that there is one.

    • Like 2

  3. 5 hours ago, sdirand said:

    Another ghost developper is FS Labs.

    I'm sure they are working on something for msfs (at least the concorde) as they won't stay financialy afloat very long with P3D. 

    But are they working on something else? How far are they in their development? It's the complete mistery.

    Even if the concorde is something special, it remains a niche aircraft, something not everybody would buy. And if they also work on their usual A32X, the market is already completely flooded. It would have to be something never seen before on a A320 to see most people buy a FSL A320 when they already own the Fenix.

    Our best hope is that they switched to the A330 as they would only have Aerosoft to deal with on that project.

    Pretty sure FSLABS also makes things for IRL training etc.

    I doubt they are going to close up shop considering they brought on more people in one of their last announcements they made.

    I also think PMDG hinted/said at one point they do stuff outside of the Entertainment Sim community as well.

    So even if we don't hear anything doesn't mean they are gone.


  4. 8 hours ago, ErichB said:

    Hi all, not flown at all over the past week.  For those who are flying the Kuro 787, does the Simbrief route now upload directly into the FMC?  Or does Kuro need to publish an update?

    Still needs an update, They said changelog hopefully in a few days then who knows when the update will be.

    I assume another 1-2 weeks at this rate.

    • Like 1

  5. 1 hour ago, virtuali said:

    KCLT looks a bit plain in real life too.

    While when a new scenery comes out that is basically unusable due to performance problems and users seem to complain, you seem to have skipped any comments about performances in KCLT. Fairness should also point out the strong points of every product, which should include the price. Or performances are no longer appreciated ?

    I'm aware that peripheral areas in KCLT aren't as good as they could have been, especially the dynamic lighting, which is really lacking in those areas, that's something we need to improve.

    It's a scenery that has been started by a modeler in FSX, moved to a another guy in P3D, and another team in MSFS, and some parts clearly shows different styles and different attention to detail and different understanding of the various simulator. And, it was developed during an unfortunate time: the summer of 2021, when SU5 came out, which for users was just a general minor annoyance due to too heavy handed optimizations to make the program fit in the (extremely) limited memory of the Xbox (especially the S, it's wonder MSFS even starts there...), for developers, it made almost impossible to work with the SDK editor, because it crashed every few minutes, it was so bad, we took the habit to save each time we added a single point or line or polygon. Even if we didn't lose too much work by saving every minute, it required a sim restart every time, and this happened exactly when it was time to do most of the work with the editor, the crashes were fixed only months later with SU6, at the end of October but, by that time, the scenery was basically finished, and finally be able to work at a normal pace arrived too late to allow any time to do better detailing. I can only promise to have another look at it, if we can take a break from GSX weekly updates.

    KIAH is made by the same author that did LSZH and KORD, so it's surely more consistent, and we are trying to pay attention to lighting everywhere, but you can't expect the same kind of detail of something made from the ground up for MSFS, which is kind of a problem with extremely large airports to do it at *usable* level of performances, without even mentioning the max 1000 simobjects limit, considering we'll take about 200 *just* for jetways and VGDSs.

    The goal here is offer an usable airport, one you will want to go there often, because it won't have performance problems, where all activities from AI flow to Ground services flow will work as expected because the airport layout has been made by paying quite a bit of attention to them so, it's more like a "fly me" airport, rather than a "show-me" airport. 

    Thanks for the update. When it comes to big airports I dont care about interiors or anything else. Just that it has the correct layout, The buildings/ground/jetways look good, AFCAD works and GSX works is all I can ask. I used to fly in and out of IAH since its a major united hub and cant wait to do my south america/central america 737 hops again into/from Houston, Looking forward to it!!

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  6. 2 hours ago, Drumcode said:

    Umberto mentioned in the past it is a port over from P3D. While I know he wouldn't release garbage, I have some concerns and it'd be nice to see some preview shots. 

    So a port from FSX?

    The P3D version is pretty much the FSX version made to work in 64 bit but thats about it. Still the same from when it first came out. I feel like it will be an upgraded version with all the new changes KIAH has had since the FSX release.


  7. I use TAA/DLFG with my 13900k/4090 and its wonderful, Its super smooth in DX12 and I get 100-120FPS most places without AI, Once I bring in AI with 65 planes it drops down to 80-90 but still super smooth etc. Makes flying great and have had no issues at all. If they make it so DLSS does not affect screen blurriness I will switch back but until then TAA works just as good for me.

    • Like 2

  8. I use TAA/DLFG with my 13900k/4090 and its wonderful, Its super smooth in DX12 and I get 100-120FPS most places without AI, Once I bring in AI with 65 planes it drops down to 80-90 but still super smooth etc.

    Makes flying great and have had no issues at all. If they make it so DLSS does not affect screen blurriness I will switch back but until then TAA works just as good for me.


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  9. 18 minutes ago, bobcat999 said:

    Unfortunately no, although it was still very smooth, and no issues.  DLSS does cause some slight blurring of the flat screens presently, until Asobo fix this at a later date (it has been acknowledged by them), but I find the performance increase has been so profound, that I don't want to turn it off.  I use the new sharpening slider to elevate the blurriness a bit, and I now find it easily tolerable. 
    DX12 with TAA might show some benefits though if your card can support it and your PC config is good for it (multithreading etc.).

    I can run at 60 fps at 4k ultra setting almost everywhere now with DLSS, but I currently prefer 30 fps during the summer, with my graphics card running cool, and I can barely hear the fans! :biggrin: 
    Even 30 fps with DLSS seems much smoother now for some reason, probably to do with frame timing etc. as it just doesn't skip any frames, ever.

    Edit:  See lwt1971's thread above - a few performance improvements in his list that will apply to any settings, or at least, avoidance of performance degradation.

    Is there an easy way to get beta drivers these days?

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