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  1. Where can I get AAO 2024? I got my copy from Just Flight and the version is LorbyAxisAndOhs_4_40_b22 from August 01. Sorry but I am addicted to AAO and Streamdeck.
  2. It took me two years to figure out the importance of the Blacklist. What a difference it makes in AAO responsiveness!
  3. I just discovered a better way to change the Toggle button icon. Change the icon and then change Stream Deck profile and then change back to the original profile. That will show the new icon.
  4. I now have all my flaps and shutters on buttons. The Denarq mod makes it so you have to manage the engine systems or you can burn the thing up. If you take off with cold oil, the engines will soon fail. Hence the need for controlling the shutters and such. I will now monitor the temperatures and make sure my buttons are actually controlling the shutters and not just the levers as you suggested. Thanks again for you help.
  5. It is a button type from the AAO plugin for Stream Deck. There is a green light to show the on state.
  6. Also I have trouble with the AAO Toggle button sometimes. If I get the green light out of sync I can never get it back in sync by changing the icon. I have to start a new button to get it back in sync. Any advice on how to get the green light back in sync? I think I figured this out. I closed the Stream Deck and opened it and the lights had changed.
  7. I can get it working with the On and Off but not the toggle. I put this on a button as type 'S' and it does not work. I just wiggles a bit. (L:Denarq_OILSHUTTER_SET_1, Number) ! (>L:Denarq_OILSHUTTER_SET_1, Number)
  8. That did the trick. I sent this and the shutter opened. I should have asked you sooner. Thanks! 100·(>L:Denarq_OILSHUTTER_SET_1,·Number)
  9. I am setting up my Stream Deck buttons for the MS Carenado Beech Model 18 (with the popular Denarq mod) in MSFS 2020. Here are some of the unusual events I have got working. Thanks to this forum and the SDK docs I have been able to create these scripts which toggle the associated controls. Cowl Flaps (L:CARVAR_cowlflap_L, Number) 0 == if{16384 (>K:COWLFLAP1_SET)} els{0 (>K:COWLFLAP1_SET)} (L:CARVAR_cowlflap_R, Number) 0 == if{16384 (>K:COWLFLAP2_SET)} els{0 (>K:COWLFLAP2_SET)} Manifold Heat (A:GENERAL ENG ANTI ICE POSITION:1, percent) 0 == if{16384 (>K:ANTI_ICE_GRADUAL_SET_ENG1)} els{0 (>K:ANTI_ICE_GRADUAL_SET_ENG1)} (A:GENERAL ENG ANTI ICE POSITION:2, percent) 0 == if{16384 (>K:ANTI_ICE_GRADUAL_SET_ENG2)} els{0 (>K:ANTI_ICE_GRADUAL_SET_ENG2)} But I am having no luck with the Oil Shutters. This appears to be the related event. But no event is revealed when I 'Watch Simulator Events' and actuate the levers in the sim. (>L:Denarq_OILSHUTTER_SET_1) (Variable shows up in Behaviors, MouseRect. Does not work in AAO.) I should be able to close the shutter by sending from the Script Editor 0 (>L:Denarq_OILSHUTTER_SET_1) (Sim does not respond.) And this is what some users of FSUIPC have gotten to work. They reported this in the Flight Simulator forum. Flight Simulator Forum L:Denarq_OILSHUTTER_SET_1 (Reported to work in FSUIPC calculator code) So my question is: Can I replicate sending this 'calculator code' in AAO? I am not familiar with FSUIPC. From Dev Mode Behaviors: From the Beech 18 Denarq mod manual: https://i.imgur.com/gcFZbhv.png
  10. Thanks Dominique_K. That makes me so happy! I wondered it I could filter the listing, but did not know how.
  11. I have all of the Aviators Club liveries deleted, but they still show up in my Content Manager as Not Installed. There are 80 or so listings. I discovered there are some City Updates and some other stuff among them. Is there a way to make the Aviators Club liveries go away and not show up in my Content Manager. I'll never use those liveries. It makes it a chore to find content that I need to install.
  12. I had the XTouch in MC mode. That does not work. It has to be in Standard mode. Problem solved. Thank you.
  13. I'm trying to assign the Heading Bug in the C172 to a knob on the XTouch Mini. I want to turn the knob CW to increase the bug heading and CCW to decrease. But it is not behaving as the assignments call for. The actual behavior is something like this: Turn knob slowly: One assignment lights up and Bug goes opposite direction of knob assignment, Turn knob fast: Both inc and dec assignments light up and conflict with each other so the bug just wobbles in place. Any ideas how to get this working?
  14. I don't have a "Reset Connection" button in my LAAO plugin. I have a "Connection Status" button that lights up green. Is there supposed to be a "Reset Connection" button?
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