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  1. Thanks guys...very interesting! Never too old to learn something new!
  2. I am just curious, I tried Google but couldn't find anything...what are those "plates" (for lack of a better word), behind the engines, that open and close as you throttle up and down? They seem to stay "open" in flight... Have never seen anything like that and is curious what they do? Also, out of interest, have they been modeled correctly in the version of Carenado?
  3. I also want to explore using modified halo.bmp files, because I also dislike the "huge ball of light" effect it creates with AI traffic. I can also post the link to the site where I got a copy of the default halo.bmp if anyone is interested? It is part of a modified halo.bmp package, they included the default one in there.
  4. I solved my problem, posting the solution here for the benefit of others: The culprit was a modified "halo.bmp" file (its location is in the "texture" folder in your FSX root). I installed a default copy of this file and my lights are normal again! It was obviously modified by some add-on.
  5. Maybe somebody knows - apparently in version 1.1 of Flightbeam Dulles, they added a John McClane figure in two locations, for the fun of it (reference to Die Hard 2) I searched for it many times but could never found it - does anybody perhaps know where to look for it? Also, does anybody know if it was still included in version 1.2 and up?
  6. I sincerely hope somebody would be able to help me. I have a problem with the landing lights on my AI aircraft. Instead of seeing a ball of light in its correct place on the model, there are two balls of light - one above the wing and one below it. The one below the wing also has a weaker intensity. I never used to have this problem, but one it suddenly appeared and now I can't fix it. I suspect some add-on caused this. I went into the aircraft.cfg files of my AI aircraft, to see what effects files they use for lights, and then went and replaced all of those files with a program called "GaugeRecovery" but it didn't solve the problem. Anybody perhaps know how to fix this? I could post a pic of the problem. Further details: I am using FSX Gold Edition on Win7 64, the AI aircraft is all "World of AI", and I do have most popular add-ons installed (Carenado, Alabeo, PMDG, A2A etc)
  7. Scandinavian13: so you are saying that I am "asking" (or expecting) the 777 to fly to SEDPO and then onwards to runway 30L and coming from the direction of Doha, that is basically too tight an approach for an aircraft the size of a 777? If so, then it connects with what James Bennett is saying. What you all say makes sense...I will then rather use STARs as that way is more realistic anyway at an airport the size of OMDB. As for my other problem, I will do more test flights and if it happens again, I will try and include much more detail. Sponge, I was descending to 2000ft (and 2000ft was dialled in on the MCP), when, at 14000ft, the 777-200 started to go up and down all of a sudden, as if it was trying to maintain 14000ft. The airspeed also dropped so low as to create a warning on EICAS. When I did the same flight with the -300, it did nothing of the kind and descended straight down to 2000ft smoothly. The 777-200 has done it twice now so I am not sure what causes it.
  8. OK so if I understand you correctly, you are saying that the route as programmed into the FMC might not be suitable for a heavier, faster, and less maneuverable (compared to the NGX) aircraft such as the 777...with other words the plane is not able to fly it. The NGX is smaller and can fly the route, and that is why it does so without issues? I will follow your suggestion and try the same route but with a STAR at OMDB and see how it goes.
  9. Disregard any speeds/altitudes/warnings/cautions...I did not do neat/correct flights, I just loaded the aircraft, "rushed" to the destination with time compression, in order to take the screenshots (did not want to spend a few hours just to take those three pictures) I normally fly correctly and neat, I am quite familiar with programming the FMC, flying on LNAV/VNAV, etc. I have done countless perfect flights with the NGX, including autolands, etc. but even when flying correctly, I experience the problems as described, when flying with the 777. I know you cannot intercept the localiser from greater than 30 degrees. The paths in the pic is what the FMC generates. I basically program (choose) ILS30L as my arrival on the DEP/ARR page of the FMC, I choose OMDB as my destination on the RTE page, and then my legs page shows SEDPO as the first fix, followed by MODUS, and then ILS30L. So with the NGX, coming from Doha OTBD, it goes to SEDPO, at SEDPO it does a 180 degree turn, once the turn is completed and approaching MODUS, I then select LOC, it intercepts the localiser, I then select APP, it catches the glideslope and I autoland perfectly. With the 777, it also goes to SEDPO, but then starts following those weird curves of the pink line, and therefore making it too difficult to intercept the localiser. So my question is, why is the 777 doing that and what steps can one take to solve it? Apologies if I am not expressing myself clearly, English is not my first language. To elaborate more and put it in simple terms: I do not have an issue with the plane following the pink line, that is what it is supposed to do when flying on LNAV/VNAV mode The issue I have is that the pink line / route is not correct/logical from the SEDPO fix to the runway, when flying in the 777, yet in the NGX it is correct and works perfectly.
  10. With regards to problem 1, I am not sure what the FMA indicated but will continue with testing and if it happens again, will try to record as much detail as possible. With regards to problem 2, I don't know why such strange paths are being generated. I am sure the FMC programming was done correctly. It works with the NGX but not with the 777 or 747 I don't even know where to begin with troubleshooting...any suggestions?
  11. I have installed the 777-200 SP1 and -300ER expansion, and have the following two problems, maybe someone on here could help me: 1. When descending with the 777-200, sometimes (not always) it will stop descending, and try to maintain a random altitude. While doing this the airspeed will drop to dangerous levels...yet in the FMC the speed on the "descend" page ("VNAV" page) will show a realistic value. I have not experienced this effect with the 777-300ER, the latter will fly the same route perfectly and descend normally, and maintain the FMC speed 2. For a test flight I've decided to fly Doha OTBD to OMDB...I am selecting OMDB's runway 30L as my arrival, and with the 777-200 and 300, the approach, as indicated by the pink route line drawn by the FMC, looks very weird. It looks perfect with the 737 NGX. I've tested the same route with the 747-400 and that is also not correct. So I guess I have the same problem with the 747. See link to a picture to understand what I mean. I have not yet discovered a similar problem at another airport, but the problem could be present elsewhere as well, I suppose. In all three aircraft, the route page on the FMC shows SEDPO - ILS30L - RWY30L. The legs page shows SEDPO - MODUS - RWY30L. So I feel the programming of the FMC was done correctly. With the NGX, it flies the route and approach perfectly. With the 777's it follows those weird curves and mess up the approach completely. The 747 does not even go to the SEDPO fix! Any help would be appreciated! http://i642.photobucket.com/albums/uu143/bluepoole/402b3b6586a1be2bc7d16732a9fc5ea7_zps58cb740f.jpg
  12. I have installed the 777-200 SP1 and -300ER expansion, and have the following two problems, maybe someone on here could help me: 1. When descending with the 777-200, sometimes (not always) it will stop descending, and try to maintain a random altitude. While doing this the airspeed will drop to dangerous levels...yet in the FMC the speed on the "descend" page ("VNAV" page) will show a realistic value. I have not experienced this effect with the 777-300ER, the latter will fly the same route perfectly and descend normally, and maintain the FMC speed 2. For a test flight I've decided to fly Doha OTBD to OMDB...I am selecting OMDB's runway 30L as my arrival, and with the 777-200 and 300, the approach, as indicated by the pink route line drawn by the FMC, looks very weird. It looks perfect with the 737 NGX. I've tested the same route with the 747-400 and that is also not correct. So I guess I have the same problem with the 747. See link to a picture to understand what I mean. I have not yet discovered a similar problem at another airport, but the problem could be present elsewhere as well, I suppose. In all three aircraft, the route page on the FMC shows SEDPO - ILS30L - RWY30L. The legs page shows SEDPO - MODUS - RWY30L. So I feel the programming of the FMC was done correctly. With the NGX, it flies the route and approach perfectly. With the 777's it follows those weird curves and mess up the approach completely. The 747 does not even go to the SEDPO fix! Any help would be appreciated! http://i642.photobucket.com/albums/uu143/bluepoole/402b3b6586a1be2bc7d16732a9fc5ea7_zps58cb740f.jpg
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