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  1. Can you guys guide me towards steve's fixer? Nevermind, I googled that for myself. Thanks.
  2. You guys are definitely on with the views. A couple of my crashes did come shortly after changing views, however, recently I've noticed, they've been happening within a couple of minutes after takeoff without changing views. I'll keep that in mind though, and see what happens tonight.
  3. When I get home tonight, I'll post what scenery settings I have. Thanks for all of your help guys, I appreciate it. Actually Joona, if you can post a screenshot of yours, perhaps I can use that as a guide to set mine also? Thanks, Arnab
  4. Yes, once I recreated the fsx.CFG I included the basic tweaks. HIGHMEMFIX=1, BUFFERPOOLS, I set my LOD_Radius back to 4.5 (from the September thread) TEXTURE_MAX_LOAD is set to the defaul 1024. 64 bit Windows 7 Home Edition. I guess I'll try dialing down even more, I just don't understand why, with all the addons, a regular flight works, but the PMDG 777 doesn't.
  5. Thanks guys, once I get my OOM issues resolved, I'll give them a shot.
  6. Alright guys, I know there was a thread on this back in September, and reading through that hasn't helped me. Here's my problem: I have FTX Global, FlyTampa OMDB and Aerosoft Male X addon. When I fly a normal aircraft, I will turn all of the above on, and I'm fine, I don't have any issues. I can complete a long haul flight with no problems, even letting it run at half speed all day. However, when I fly the PMDG 777, within minutes of taking off from Male Int'l (Using the tutorial flight plan until I can comfortably navigate the cockpit and try other routes), machine crashes and says "You have run out of available memory..." I have disabled all of the addon scenery except FlyTampa OMDB and Male X, but the issue still arises. I have set the page filing size to the recommended 24GB (that's what my PC recommended, even though fsx only uses 4GB). I've even tried recreating my FSX.cfg file in order to reset all other defaults. Considering that the tutorial uses those two exact addons, I would assume that leaving those two on should work. Machine specs are below. i7-4770k Haswell 3.5GHz (OC 4.2GHz) NVIDIA GTX 660 16GB RAM 1TB WD HDD Corsair 600 Flight Simulator X SP2 Any advice?
  7. Is there a way to update the FMC? Or a way to find routes that the FMC will understand? I've tried different routes through vroute, and got the same message. Also, have you heard of this FSX PlanToRoute utility? Does it work? Is it worth using? It would be a dream to use the PMDG aircrafts with this feature to make it a little easier.
  8. Hi guys, I just started using the PMDG 777-200LR/F, and I went through the tutorial and it works fantastic. Absolutely love it. However, now I'm trying my hand at a route of my own. So I'm going from OMDB-VABB, I went to RouteFinder and they gave me the following route: OMDB SID RIKET M428 GOMTA UM428 TARBO M428 MUNGA A777 VAXIM L301 NOBAT L505 BIDIX M638 EXOLU DCT VABB So I'm entering this information into the FMC RTE (VIA/TO) page, and when I get to UM428 - TARBO, I get INVALID ENTRY at UM428, and everything after is invalid also. Am I doing something wrong? Is there a way for me to validate these waypoints? Any support is appreciated Thanks, Arnab
  9. I didn't want to start a new topic, but based on your post, I'm having the opposite problem. I'm constantly getting OOM error when departing or arriving anywhere near New York (KFJK, KEWR) and also randomly around other airports. I also have FTX Global installed. I had FSDT KJFK installed, but I removed it, still getting the errors. I've read the plethora of forums, I've set the Page File Size to the recommended 24GB (default set on the machine), I've tried recreating the fsx.CFG file, included the Bufferpool, Highmemfix and AffinityMask tweaks. I've also tried using Boyote's tweak, but same results. My rig: Haswell i7-4770k 3.5GHz (OC'd to 4.2GHz) 16GB RAM Windows 7 64-bit 1TB WD HD 7200rpm NVIDIA GTX 660
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