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  1. Hi ScotFlieger, Thank you for having reacted so quickly That works very well, the serial numbers are complete Bye And thank you again for this work!
  2. hello, VID/PID SZ0000 06A3A2AE1 (SZ00008082) SZ0000 06A3A2AE3 (SZ00008147) SZ0000 06A3A2AE4 (SZ00001844) SZ0001 06A3A2AE0 (SZ00018578) SZ0001 06A3A2AE2 (SZ00018218) In Blue, the serial numbers of the FIP I managed to use Linda by modifying the file config-hid.lua. For example, before modifying it: J[1]={} J[1][1]="06A3A2AE0" J[1][2]="Saitek Device" J[1][3]="9" J[1][4]="1" J[1][5]="12" J[1][6]="0" J[1][7]="0" J[1][8]="SZ0001" Once modified J[1]={} J[1][1]="06A3A2AE0" J[1][2]="Saitek Device" J[1][3]="9" J[1][4]="1" J[1][5]="12" J[1][6]="0" J[1][7]="0" J[1][8]="SZ00018578" In red, it is that I added in the file config-hid.lua I made the same thing for my 5 FIP. It is of the temporary but that works Sorry for my bad English
  3. Hello, I have a problem with the version 2.6.8 v3 and the FIP Saitek "Duplicate not Allowed" After all, there is a problem with the serial numbers of the FIP. Linda take into account only the beginning of the serial number. EX: serial FIP SZ00008082 and Linda guards only the beginning,The first 6 characters, of the serial number: SZ0000 I have 5 FIP SZ00008082 Linda Indicate =>>SZ0000 SZ00008147 Linda Indicate =>>SZ0000 SZ00001844 Linda Indicate =>>SZ0000 SZ00018578 Linda Indicate =>>SZ0001 SZ00018218 Linda Indicate =>>SZ0001 Thus I have several identical serial numbers If you have a solution, thank you in advance
  4. hello , Would be it possible to have a module for MilViz B55 ? P3D v2.5 Or then , can you tell me how to realize it ? Thank you in advance
  5. hello, I have a problem with the 777 and FSX. FSX crash has every landing and only during landings. That wheels touch the runway, fsx crash. Windows Seven 64b FSX SP2 Nvidia690 Intel I7 socket2011 (X79) SSD Samsung 6060x1200 (Triple screens).ASE2012.ORBX etc..etc.. I have no problem with the other planes.I have to try with 2 versions of 777. I also tried of all to reinstall. A solution? Bye ++
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