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Everything posted by SpankyB76

  1. Thanks for the feedback guys, really good to see things still work in P3D v4. Generally, most IRIS P3D products will work in v4 in some form as the code (for the most part) is written in XML. Items using Doug Dawson's sound gauge may require a bit of fiddling to get working (a redownload of his new gauge and some panel.cfg tinkering should help). For those at all interested, there's a really good article below on the project I'm working on. My day-to-day is mainly using SimDirector a lot to develop lessons on the Cockpit Procedural Trainer and PLD, though it's great to see P3D being used in a training environment, something that's very new to me. Though sadly, it means no PC-21 updates from IRIS anytime soon. 😞 Conflict of interest and all that. 😉 http://aviationphotodigest.com/raaf-the-next-generation/ DLB.
  2. Hi, David Love-Brice from IRIS here! I know it's an old topic, but I figured I'd jump in. ;) Firstly, thanks for all your support and feedback, JMig as always has a lot of good info, he's known Karen and myself for years, so the comments made by him are pretty spot on. That being said, IRIS is still alive...in a sense! John is right, IRIS is a family owned business with a few talented contractors, and sometimes it's hard to balance work/life etc. So two years ago when I was offered my dream job at Lockheed Martin, I would have been a fool to not accept. The job meant moving house, relocating three hours away from the family and my teenage son (who's in high school and couldn't be easily moved). It also involved far more work than any of us involved could have anticipated. So much so, that no matter how much I wanted to continue working actively on IRIS, I just couldn't focus any time on IRIS. As they say the road to hell is paved with good intentions! So we trimmed back how things were managed and IRIS went quietly quiet. :) We're no longer developing actively, though after 13 years, neither Karen or I are wanting to close it completely. We still reply to support requests as and when we can, though if you're finding you need an urgent look at something, e-mail david@irissimulations.com.au should work. I would love to say that I'd convert x planes to P3D v4 or developing new content, but I can't promise that. IRIS is now more of a hobby than it's ever been, and the family for one is far less stressed getting a regular pay check from LM each month than working from plane to plane in FSX development. Though as a final thought, without the community and our customers, my life would not have been offered the opportunity of working for Lockheed Martin and for that I can never offer enough gratitude. David.
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