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  1. I dont test with 1603 yet Did you test with 1603? Thanks
  2. i had the same problem, waiting 1603 airac or return to 1601?
  3. it didnt work and i cant to re-enable the auto tunned i cant delete the park and the others lsk next to it i read one forum and they told some issues about airac
  4. I will try it because i tried a lot of things, the ils no autotunned near to the airport Thanks
  5. hello i had a lot of problems with ils and loc/app push buttons, its no worked and no turn to green when i app to any airport the ils/loc at navrad its showed PARK and the ils no auto tunned i have to put freq/crs and then i will push the app push button how can i switch to auto tunned again? i´ve read a lot of forums and i cant delete park at ils navrad i re-install and the issue continue could you help me? thanks
  6. name like Sapphire r9 270x ? or what full names
  7. Thanks a lot, could you recommend any settings, i have r9 270x and catalyst driver or could you give me the efffect name? thanks again
  8. Hello everybody, i have a problem when i move with mouse around VC, the display show a transparent texture, i attached a picture if anyone could help me ill so happy when i did zoom the transparent dots disappear Thanks a lot
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