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Everything posted by tekrc

  1. after re-installing fsx,ngx, and fs2crew, I still get the message telling me to download and re-install SP1C. id DID however. enable this time. ~thanks for the support!
  2. other things to note. when the config manager launches it tells me to go reinstall sp1C. im on sp1D reinstalling seems to do nothing for it and the notification just pops up again.
  3. says a newer version is installed. and antivirus is off while I've been trying to fix this
  4. I ran the fs2crew installer as admin for FSX and ran the config manager. when I try to enable fs2crew I get: Problem signature: Problem Event Name: APPCRASH Application Name: SetPanelCfg_FSX.exe Application Version: Application Timestamp: 2a425e19 Fault Module Name: KERNELBASE.dll Fault Module Version: 6.1.7601.18409 Fault Module Timestamp: 53159a86 Exception Code: 0eedfade Exception Offset: 0000c42d OS Version: 6.1.7601. Locale ID: 1033 Additional Information 1: 528e Additional Information 2: 528e7f927af943ad114b07c3e7e27c63 Additional Information 3: 56ba Additional Information 4: 56baa45b1fbddb57251b492b91113b4c
  5. Pretty simple issue. in the cold and dark state, the FMC is stuck powered on and wont turn off. It's not a major immersion breaker, but a little odd since I like starting flights cold and the screen is on and functional but shouldnt be. I cannot click and hold the menu button to see if that fixes it because P3D doesn't seem to have the ability to do that. https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/p9GFo8qZuB0UzUeQEFoR0JbO_Rg0Tf0ha856C88AxOGFeIOM_hmkDBZlUf74535TalcbouAsvJAtSD4=w1576-h695 power is off shown in this image https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/N0QPMQxepc-YpW1dBKHTKghwxsc8FUJH4jgk04uie7FOuHhpWsb846TpGIdVKHDM1WPy2iGGoXNnxBE=w1576-h695
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