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  1. Does any one know what file the aircraft tail number info resides?? In most aircraft it is located in the aircraft.cfg file, since Carenado doesn't have that format as far as I can see in their aircraft folder how do you change the tail number for any of the planes? My new paint work.
  2. Right guys, I run all my programs as admin. thats basic stuff. I have a ticket open with PMDG and they are intrigued and yet baffled at this issue. I write code for some FSX addons myself and am familiar with most of the basic OS requirements out there. is it possible my panel states are being corrupted by something in the system I dont know. Is it possible to generate new panel cfg. files with out having to reload the whole aircraft ??
  3. And where would I find file permissions and what should they be? If you read tcas_climb's post he is having a similar issue. I'm sure there are others that have not posted on this forum with a similar problem.
  4. tcas_climb, Sound like the same thing ,however for me its not just one airport its any airport and rarely it will work with out a hitch. Good to know that someone else is experiencing the same issue. maybe we can get this fixed some how. It makes flying not very enjoyable
  5. As I mentioned in earlier post I am very versed on the CDU /FMS programing since I have been teaching pilots in VATSIM to fly through my VAT SOA Virtual Airline. The question still remains When I click on the 1L button after the complete flight plan has been entered nothing happens. For example, I am in route in flight and I then want to go direct to any fix or VOR the FMS will not allow me to make changes. This very frustrating as per following instructions sometimes give by ATC to circumvent makers for traffic ect.Then some times it works fine and I can input or change routing in mid flight. Am I the only one this happens to?? By the way I did a clean install on the SP1 and have loaded the entire aircraft 3x with and with out spyware or antivirus programs running.
  6. I don't use SimBrief for anything. I simply input the flight plan by hand and after I am done an din flight I cant change way points or go direct to any fix WHY?
  7. Sorry I just wanted to delet this one?? made 2 on accident.............
  8. I have had this issue for some time now where I can not go direct to any fix or marker on the FMS. It seem after I input the flight plan and and begin my flight I can't change any fixes or RWYs or VORs on the flight plan, it seem to lock up. I thought maybe it would be fixed in the updates SP1/SP1b ,But that is a negative. What can possibly be causing this ? I just want to be able to fully use my FMS. I am very familiar with how to operate the FMS ,However not being able to change way points in route is frustrating .
  9. spacebaby

    FMC Issue

    NO Solutions anyone??
  10. spacebaby

    FMC Issue

    starting from default state, engines running and ready for push inputting all info for flight int he FMS
  11. spacebaby

    FMC Issue

    It happens on every flight now no matter what route. After about 30min maybe longer the FMC will stop responding. I will try to take a picture and post it if that helps. I own the 747-400 don't have any problems with that aircraft. specifics are as started just in mid flight not doing anything out of the ordinary. It seem to be at intermittent inter volts. Now can it be something not being inputed in the FMC before flight? On the 747 if you do not put in the required info before flight the aircraft will not follow the specified route in the FMC., like reserve fuel and price and weight ect. on the initref.??
  12. spacebaby

    FMC Issue

    Loaded all the info as usual flight route, fuel ,payload ect. everything works fine about 30min in the FMC stop responding. Can not go direct to a way point or follow the route. Try to reset the FMC in flight nothing. After trying different things it gives me the error message. Yesterday on the first couple of flights I had no problems. Think I should reload the aircraft?
  13. spacebaby

    FMC Issue

    YES YES YES ! How eles would it work? I am a registered customer and have an auth.code Do you have a solution?
  14. spacebaby

    FMC Issue

    Hi Guys, I have read the manuals and didn't see anything on this problem. In mid flight for no apparent reason the FMC with disengage and the MFD on the Captain side will go blank. In the scratch pad I get " program pin error" and I am unable to finish the flight properly using the flight route with the FMC. Can some one help? P.S. I have a 8core/ WOS7 64bit system with plenty memory
  15. Dont know what you are talking about all I recieved is the exe.file for the aircraft
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