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About rickman34

  • Birthday 07/03/1979

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  • Location
    Bournemouth (United Kingdom)

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  1. Hi JD I missread your post my email address does not actually end with virginmedia it ends with ntlworld.com ntlworld was took over by virgin media some years ago but ntl users could continue using the the ntlworld email address on the virgin network. If you look up on your list of email addresses ending ntlworld .com you will find me there my the first part of my is my name for by the by my product key above. Thanks
  2. JD, here's a copy of my original key request sent to register@jdtllc.com. Virgin media have advised customers that they have an issue with their smtp servers and are working on a fix so I don't think the issue lies at your end but thanks for your support while they fix this problem. -460626414 ! Ricky ! Taylor
  3. I have tried sending the email via my web browser and via Outlook 2007 neither are getting the email through virginmedia.net doesnt exsist i find this odd that its stated in the email when it should be virginmedia.com. I've done a little investigating into some of the errors shown on the email and it seems that my isp's smtp server is not working correctly at the moment seems to been having issues for a few days so no idea or indication as to when this server will be operating correctly.
  4. I don't really understand but I've never had this issue before and yes I have virgin media as my broadband provider but this is all new its always worked before untill now. Virgin media has just introduced some new filters but as far as I am aware it is for websites only and I have no problem accessing the RC website
  5. Just received another email this is the exact message in the email! ********************************************** ** THIS IS A WARNING MESSAGE ONLY ** ** YOU DO NOT NEED TO RESEND YOUR MESSAGE ** ********************************************** The original message was received at Fri, 21 Mar 2014 09:06:46 -0400 from know-smtprelay-omc-3.server.virginmedia.net [] ----- Transcript of session follows ----- <register@jdtllc.com>... Deferred: Connection timed out with [] Warning: message still undelivered after 4 hours Will keep trying until message is 5 days old Final-Recipient: RFC822; register@jdtllc.com Action: delayed Status: 4.4.1 Remote-MTA: DNS; [] Last-Attempt-Date: Fri, 21 Mar 2014 17:53:19 -0400 Will-Retry-Until: Wed, 26 Mar 2014 09:06:46 -0400
  6. Thats exactly what the email stated when i got them in my spam folder
  7. I'm not getting anything from any email address I've checked every folder in my email client which is based on the google platform and nothing is there I had 4 emails in my spam folder this morning saying that emails i had sent to register@jdtllc.com stating that the emails had failed to send as the target email address could not be found. I deleted them so I can't be any more specific about that problem. I've not had this problem before when sending emails from the RC software registration page. Ive had some system issues where ive installed RC a number of times in the last few weeks but they have now been fixed due to a failing hard drive thats the only thing that has changed in my system.
  8. I sent the email to you with the information for my registration. I have also resubmitted to the register email address at least another 12 times today and still no email has been received with my registration key!! I think this is getting ridiculous now. Maybe i would get more joy if i purchased the product again but that is not going to happen for sure when I have paid for it already.
  9. Does anyone know what is happening with radar contact. I've submitted my details through the auto generate email on the registration page several times in the last 24 hours and have received no registration key. Only to look in my spam folder to find all my emails sent to register@jdtllc.com have failed to be sent stating the email address cant be found.
  10. Thanks for the support guys i done the update to fsuipc and makerunways and rebuilt the database and everything is working as normal now. thanks again
  11. I am having problems with radar contact not allocating runways for landing this worked fine until i restored my whole system. When i am nearing the airport radar contact asks me which runway i want to land on. Before the restore it always allocated the runway for landing and gave directions to the airport. Now it asks me to choose a runway and once chosen it gives me no vectors to the runways. Anyone else have this issue?
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