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Posts posted by Sportsfan23

  1. I have used AI smooth before and it seemed like a decent enough program. I have tried running UT2 at 100% with the FPS limiter in UT2 at 30 FPS but I never get 30 FPS when I have at other times so I don't actually think it works. Aside from AI smooth this program called Traffic optimizer that was mentioned what does that program do and is it worth looking at?

  2. I ran into another strange issue today that I thought was fixed. At FSDT KDFW I was just going to watch the traffic so I was sitting next to the runway and the planes started to taxi out. One plane took off but then the one that taxied into position just sat there. This then caused a landing plane to do this really odd like low fly by of the runway and it drifted into like the middle of the grass between the runways. I don't think it ever landed it just kinda kept gliding really close to the ground. I tried resetting the traffic but again only 1 plane was able to take off before the next just sat on the runway. 

  3. I don't know how realistic the stock UT2 jetroutes are.  However, there's probably some way to update them with a list of commonly used jetroutes (or perhaps they don't change).


    My program uses real jetroutes, but the jetroutes are based on shortest path and might not be the most commonly used jetroutes in use today.  I personally like setting the "Jet Route Origin Near Departure Airport" in the "Jet Route Options" screen to false (0) so that the jetroutes assigned to AI are based on where the AI are injected into the sim and destination airport rather than their origin airport and destination airport.  It tends to keep the jetroutes around the user-aircraft (at enroute altitudes) busier.




    Interesting ok I will try that. Also one thing I did not do before was "enable" the jet routes on that screen when setting it too UT2 compatibility and have the PMDG jet route data set in the path option screen. Could that have caused the problem where sid/stars were not being assigned because I had not enabled the jet routes on the jet routes page?

  4. Yea I noticed there is an edit to the swarmclouds shader section from ASN which I know I didn't change anything. One of the files says swarmcloudsbefore ASN or something to that effect. Anyway I am using DX10 now and I am still seeing the flickering clouds on mountains so I am not sure if it's a DX10 issue only or if the problem is not fixed by the ASN edit. 

  5. Road vehicles impact FPS A TON. It won't magically give you like 20 FPS increase or something but turning off those vehicles will help. Also setting auto gen to normal/sparse and scenery complexity to normal/dense. Also lowering the water setting to 2.x low helps but it can add some rather annoying scenery flashes and objects from time to time. Also if you're using a FPS limiter disable it and set the FPS to unlimited. 

  6. Not sure if this would be considered a "bug" or some random occurrence but during my preflight at KDFW I noticed that the UT2 traffic got stuck. Like there was a plane sitting on the runway and it didn't take off. There were no other planes that would interfere with this plane taking off. So because that plane didn't take off I noticed a plane landing had to do a go-around. The plane that was on the runway then "disappeared" and a couple more planes then took off and I taxied out to the runway. And again the same thing happened. I got stuck behind a plane that just sat on the runway for no reason. I eventually just "Reset" the UT2 traffic and took off. I have UT2 compatibility enabled as well as set the AI STAR SPAWN setting not exactly sure the name off the top of my head at 70. 



    As you surmised earlier, enabling UT2 compatibility prevents AIController from assigning jet routes so as to not interfere with the UT2 jet routes function.  Unfortunately, AIMonitor is a bit misleading about this as it indicates in the special comments field "Unable to Assign Jet Route - Path Solution Not Found - Will Recheck in one minute" which creates the impression of a problem.  I'll revise the text in the next version to indicate something like "UT2 Option Enabled - UT2 Jetroutes Only." 


    So if we are using UT2 is there a downside to leaving the UT2 compatibility disabled? 



    The taxi out is still under control of FSX, the taxi in is under the control of AIController (taxi out may be for the next version).  Can you verify RDU has a SID in the folder.  Sometimes a SID doesn't get converted because the only waypoint it has is at the airport.  Also check that the path to the SIDs has been added (and is checked) in the SIDs list box of AIMonitor.


    So it appears I have found the issue because when I went to the major airports I was seeing no SIDS/STARS being assigned as I previously was. It appears the jet route path or something to do with the assignment of jet routes messed everything up. Once I deleted the jet route path everything went back to normal and SIDS/STARS were being assigned. If I want to use the jet route paths are there certain options that I need to have enabled? I am also using UT2 if that helps any. 

  9. So I have seen some pretty cool things with this program at the major airports that are covered but I keep running into the same issue at the smaller airports I have installed. Like at KRDU in the AI monitor it says planes are taxiing/pushback or whatever and it says they are being controlled by FSX not AI Controller. These planes also don't get assigned a SID.


    It's not until they reach 18K ft or something that they get assigned a JET ROUTE and get taken over by AI controller. Is there a way to get these planes to be controlled by AI controller from the start even at the smaller airports?

  10. Very cool program. One thing I have encountered though is planes lining up on the runway like 2 at a time. Like one is taking off and the other is just sitting right behind it. Can anything be done about this?


    Also when adding areas not covered in the program. I found the PMDG sid/star folder and have been searching by airport ICAO for the files I want to add and then making a new folder in the AIcontroller folder for the airport. I am wondering if there is a way to add a bunch of airports by state? Say I want to add a bunch of Florida airports. Do I have to add each airport individually like I was doing or can I add the entire state of airports somehow? 

  11. Yea I had been using FTX global but I thought I might as well give GEX a shot after also using the UTX program and I have to say for my setup I am getting WAY WAY WAY WAY better performance with GEX+UTX than I did with FTX Global+UTX. Not to say FTX Global looked bad or anything but GEX+UTX is for me at least a far superior upgrade over FTX Global just because of the pretty remarkable FPS increase as well as the visuals. 


    With FTX Global+UTX I had to set my autogen at normal/sparse to achieve 30 FPS in my PMDG+ASN+Add-on airport+UT2 and even then I was still getting MASSIVE fps drops on approach down into the single digits at some points. 


    With GEX+UTX and with all those add-ons running plus my autogen at very dense/scenery complexity at extremely dense I am still getting close to 30 FPS. Sure there are occasional dips to the mid 20's but I am not seeing the FPS drops like I was with FTX global. 

  12. ASN impacts FPS especially if you're landing at any of those payware airports and there is any kind of bad weather around or lots of clouds. So many times recently I have been landing at those airports and my FPS has just gone into the tank. So much so I am wondering if perhaps I have something not setup correctly in my system. I use UT2 for traffic but I have it set to get 30 FPS in the program but I don't think that feature really works because I never EVER get a consistent 30 FPS when landing at those airports with any payware planes. 


    The PMDG planes are VERY VERY hard on FPS so there is going to be a major drop in FPS anyway and when you add ASN, and payware airports it's gonna suffer even more. I also get the stuttering even when taxiing around the payware airports I just assume that's how the sim is going to look and there is no amount of tweaks or anything I can do to fix that.


    If there is I would be more than happy to try them because I do get quite frustrated having the FPS go in the tank on approach to those airports. 

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