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  1. Hi First of all I never praise Rex or PMDG, in fact 777 it's expensive but worth it because I learned much with this aircraft and that is a valuable For other hand I don't want to mention which (for me) addons are overvalued because I will be in the middle of all opinions and that is not my point, imagine I have -3 dislikes in my main post and I just gave my opinion Imagine if I start saying brands and company's and addons... I will be banned from all avsim community and that is not my intention, my intention was know what the other people thinks and what were their arguments This is simple, because has the money doesn't means "buy everything that pass in front of you" Is important mention that not all of them are overvalued for example Duke B60 V2 is really amazing but I'm not thinking to buy it or say that is expensive and next day buy it. In my opinion B60 has the correct price, if you see the level of detail is amazing and for me worht it. Other addons just no and has the same price 20, 25, 28 euro .. Totally Agree with you. And not, fortunately I'm not in the politics stuff, in fact I hate that because in my country the politics are the worst thing ever
  2. I'm totally agree with you !! FSX still existing because all around complements give the FSX live, but not all of them worth it (In my opinion) Totally Agree with you, but also you can play in different levels and try other things for example I use Steam and there is a Achievements system that you can earn, so may be the game take's other focus
  3. Yea you are right, supply and demand I have the same hope in MD-11 lol B)
  4. Not sure if you are being sarcastic or you are talking serious, if I offended you sorry and that is the reason that I never mention a specific addon or external software, I just mentioned REX and PMDG that are software that I bought and I feel happy with them Being Honest I would never mention a specific addon I respect all developers and his work Sorry again
  5. Very Very good point and I not thought of that, offcourse the other side has a different view Thanks LLLLOOOLLLL ok ok Simulator !!!
  6. Hi Thanks for your point of view I mentioned Batman because it's a Game that belong to a actual games, is the same case for Battlefield 4 or any actual game like NBA2k14 or Arma 3 or Assasin's Creed Offcourse I know that this is a point of view and all of us will have different, but some times I feel that
  7. Hello Pilots First of all I want to say that I love this game and also I know that I'm touching feelings and very delicate fibers But sometimes I feel that some Scenerys, Addons, inclusive Aircraft are Overvalued, the prices in my opinion are very high I know that a lot of people will say that I'm saying stupid things but for example (I Hate the comparisons) and Airport, the price for Some airports are 25 euro (for example) but is just and Airport, and Airport running in a platform almost 10 years old (2006) but the detail is that we need a high end computer with high speed processor and a lot of memory and so on to run this airport For example with that price you can buy BATMAN game (batman was released in 25 Oct) the price is 47 USD ( 34 Euro) So for 10 euro more you will receive a amazing game with amazing graphics without performance issues if you have a good computer, but the fact is that you are paying almost the same price for a totally different product. I know I know and believed me I know that both are totally different products but my comparison is how much you pay and what are you receiving. In one side is just and airport and the other side is a complete game with amazing graphics and history and performance and so on My impression is that I feel sometimes that things around FSX are overvalued and in my case the money isn't a problem because I can pay that, my problem is that I feel that a lot of things around FSX are overvalued. I have REX and a love it and the price is very reasonable because you are receiving textures and weather engine, I have PMDG products and all are amazing the detail etc I want to know if some of you have the same opinion or what is your opinion in this? But anyway I just wanted to share my point of view Happy Landings And please don't feel offended :blush:
  8. IMO you should consider FS Global Ultimate Europe and America The advantage is that FS include a mesh and arround 70GB of textures I'm very very happy with FS Global Ultimate And the price for both are around 100 euro, also you can get Asia too http://www.fly2pilots.com/cms/ Hope this helps
  9. Sorry for the duplicate please delete this topic thanks
  10. Sorry for the duplicate please delete this topic thanks
  11. Other Options is download the audicity software (it's free) and find the touchdown sounds in Sound folder and increase the db For example I decreased the db in the NGX Wind sound because for me was to loud and now the cockpit during the flight is excellent Check the last comment that I wrote here I described how I did http://forum.avsim.net/topic/352943-very-loud-cockpit-ventilation/?p=2820144 Hope this helps
  12. Hello guys Yesterday I did a refresh my pc and I reinstalled FSX too When I was ready to fly my 737 NGX I noticed that the Engines sound in the cockpit was very very low (during take off) I remember that the engines at max power were very load What I can do? I was thinking increase some db 6 or 8 directly to engines sound file but I couldn't find the sounds I only saw the Engines Start but nothing else Do you know which audio files are when the throttle is at max power? Hope you can help me The sound of my 777 are perfect I don't know what happened with my 737 Thanks
  13. Hello guys Yesterday I did a refresh my pc and I reinstalled FSX too When I was ready to fly my 737 NGX I noticed that the Engines sound in the cockpit was very very low (during take off) I remember that the engines at max power were very load What I can do? I was thinking increase some db 6 or 8 directly to engines sound file but I couldn't find the sounds I only saw the Engines Start but nothing else Do you know which audio files are when the throttle is at max power? Hope you can help me The sound of my 777 are perfect I don't know what happened with my 737 Thanks
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