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  1. Hello Jevon, well I've just installed the the Mod for the C12+GTN update and pleased to confirm that all went well, all fired up and working great, will take a flight over the weekend and come back to you, so easy!

    Great work Jevon, I owe you a drink! lol


    1. Novej757


      Great to hear.  Happy flying Jim!

    2. simmyjiff
  2. Hi, Genius, don't know how you guys do these sort of things, the amount of work involved in achieving this goal must be outstanding, be really interested in receiving details of the Mod at your convenience/

    Well Done


    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. simmyjiff


      Yes, Sorry jevon

    3. simmyjiff


      Hi Jevon, received your package this morning, do you have any instruction for installing?



    4. simmyjiff


      Sorry, just found them, oops!

  3. Thanks Rem, It's obvious I suppose when you analyse it? Regards Jim
  4. Just a small point really, the ALT INTV needs to be activated in climbing but is it the same for reducing climb? on page 0.00.69 of the tutorial, the MCP is lowered to 2000 feet, but there isn't a mention of the ALT INTV button? Thanks
  5. Just a small point really, the ALT INTV needs to be activated in climbing but is it the same for reducing climb? on page 0.00.69 of the tutorial, the MCP is lowered to 2000 feet, but there isn't a mention of the ALT INTV button? Thanks
  6. I think you're right... Thanks Jim Smith
  7. Thanks appreciate your comment on the Signature, had a look but it seems I can't edit until the 25th Oct)with regard to the problem, yes there appears to be an old keyboard shortcut, but I can't view it anywhere to delete it, any ideas? Jim Smith
  8. This is my first post with AVSIM so I apologise if my etiquette is incorrect. I have a problem when setting up configuring shortcuts in the CDU this may not be peculiar to PMDG but this is the only instance where I have experience any form of problems with Flight Sim, my software is FSX with acceleration and I have EZCA installed. I am new to using PMDG and but have been operating the CDU up to now without any problems, now the page I'm on is Page 8 of 8 in the Autoflight Key Commands and I'm trying to configure the A/P disengage switch. I enter Shift+Control+A, and almost immediately the A on the screen changes to a 3 and the view changes to one out of the cockpit from the Captain's seat, this is not a view that is programmed in EZCA?, I relocate the view to the CDU and the number 3 has taken the place of A. I retried the sequence a dozen times but the same thing happens, I am also using a Corsair Vengeance, which I thought might be at fault so I tried a standard Microsoft Wi-F model but the same thing happens. I have carried out other configuration exercises without similar problems. I would be grateful for any help you can give. Thanks
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