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About Novej757

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  • Birthday 11/28/1974

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  1. Of course but can you send me a PM here with your full email just so I don't mess it up? Thanks Jevon
  2. Just my two pennies but you're primarily flying high and fast and that could be part of the problem. You're literally flying miles above some of the best things this sim has to offer. There is one freeware aircraft that will give you just as much fidelity as the FBW but it will allow you to SLOW down and basically fly anywhere VFR (minimum ATC useage) This will let you really get to see the world you're missing at 39000ft. Not only this, it will probably be the hardest aircraft for you to master but once you do it will by far be the most rewarding. In pure fun factor I'd put the FREEWARE Hype Performance Group Airbus H135 up against both the FBW and PMDGs. (I would suggest getting the PMS GTN750 for $25 its worth it) Within 3 days of downloading it (mind you never having flown any helicopters in any sim prior) I was happily spending an additional $45 to get their A M A Z I N G Airbus H145. I bought it instead of the 737 (waiting for the -800 and later models) and have had NO REGRETS! IMO this sim shines for the low and slow VFR flyers...... This is the perfect kind of flying for you as you don't have to sit there and watch Otto do 90 percent of the work for hours. There's so many places that you can take these helis that even carbon cubs can't get into. They have amazingly good systems too like auto hover. With GTN integration they can navigate pretty much just like an airplane to include airways, rnav and ils approaches. Give it a try man. It won't be easy at first, but I guarantee you it'll help you fall back in love with this sim all over again!!! Most importantly even if you don't buy the H145, the freeware H135 will still change your life 😆 (sorry so long winded)...
  3. Absolutely! If you don't have by the end of today shoot me a pm reminder. My newborn has me up on night duty so I'm about to hit the sack with the other owls LOL!!
  4. Sorry it took so long to get back to you. Both of you should have a copy in your emails. Happy Flying!
  5. @slarvid and @AngelOrbe Hi guys. Did I ever send you a copy? Sorry this is the first time I've been in this thread for months.
  6. Sorry I never included a Popup for the GTN with this version (by far my biggest regret with it.) For the sounds make sure you did step 3) where it has you move the AC.wav file. The window bleeds get louder the higher you turn their adjustment knob, When you first turn them on they are quiet..... Pay attention to 4:15 for the AC and 4:41 for the window bleed operation here Hope this helps. Let me know if there are still issues J
  7. Hi Jevon

    I followed the thread about your Phenom 100 mods and they look very promising indeed! May I ask you to send me the download link for the mods, either by PM or to my email:


    Thanks a lot!


  8. No problem, send me a PM with the above information please?
  9. Hi Paul thanks for the information. This is honestly the absolute first time since I released this back in 2018 that I've had anyone experience this problem. Glad you were able to figure it out. So I'm not sure why that particular window was your issue. I'll have to go look but I'm pretty sure I didn't modify anything in that particular window. If there is a SANRD my download link within dropbox may have gotten corrupted which again I will need to check. I'll download a copy to test it myself. If you have any other issues please let me know. This just further enforces the CJ2+ mod is in dire need for a new update. I think that will be coming this summer.......
  10. Hey Jevon, 

    I've heard about your awesome mod for the CJ2, and I'd love to give it a try on my system. I sent you a message through avsim with an email address, if you wouldn't mind sharing it with me. Thank you for your contributions to the community. 



    1. Novej757


      Sorry for the delay I'm a full time engineering student with lots of senior projects.  I will try to send you a copy this evening.  Sorry for the delay

  11. Hello Jevon, well I've just installed the the Mod for the C12+GTN update and pleased to confirm that all went well, all fired up and working great, will take a flight over the weekend and come back to you, so easy!

    Great work Jevon, I owe you a drink! lol


    1. Novej757


      Great to hear.  Happy flying Jim!

    2. simmyjiff
  12. Hi, Genius, don't know how you guys do these sort of things, the amount of work involved in achieving this goal must be outstanding, be really interested in receiving details of the Mod at your convenience/

    Well Done


    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. simmyjiff


      Yes, Sorry jevon

    3. simmyjiff


      Hi Jevon, received your package this morning, do you have any instruction for installing?



    4. simmyjiff


      Sorry, just found them, oops!

  13. Any chance to get the CJ2 525 GTN 750 conversion from you? Thx for your help......Dennis     bardens42@gmail.com

    1. Novej757


      Absolutely, ill try to send it tonight!


  14. Phenomenal work on the Phenom. Looking forward to it. Still fly the heck out of the CJ2+

    Brett Linker


    1. Novej757


      That's awesome to hear Brett I hope you'll love the Phenom even more.... I do 👀


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