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  1. It‘s a very well done Jet Trainer. I owned it in P3D already and later purchased it for MSFS as well. Very pleasant to fly in VR! I recommend you to use a set of user-defined cameras to have easier access to all buttons, switches and levers.
  2. If you use FSUIPC you can e.g. use one thrust lever for engine 1 and 3 and the other lever for engine 2. This is how I do it in P3DV5.
  3. Hi Whisky You mentioned that you purchased the addon from Justflight, but it is the Aerosoft product, right? The CRJ Professional? If you installed it correctly, it should have created the above mentioned folder. Please don’t forget that „Username“ in the above mentioned path is your personal Windows user name. However, it might be possible that the path contains a Justflight folder instead of or in addition to the Aerosoft folder.
  4. The flightplans are located in C:\Users\Username\Documents\Aerosoft\Aerosoft CRJ Pro v5\FlightPlans
  5. At least with my settings it neither flies like on rails not does it "drift down the runway on takeoff and landing" (I am actually unsure what you mean here). It feels pretty real. I sim-fly exclusively in VR and I am holder of a PPL with several hundred hours in single-engine aircraft. My personal tip; give it a try if you don't have it installed already.
  6. Most youtuber pilots have never flown a real airplane….. The SWS PC-12 flies very well. I don’t see anything pathetic.
  7. I had the Carenado in P3DV4 and V5 and I loved it. In MSFS I only own the SWS and I like it even more. After the first patches the flight model feels very realistic, somewhat demanding but absolutely manageable. With the upcoming new patch it might well be my favorite single-engine aircraft in this sim.
  8. Unfortunately, it shows a certain arrogance towards their customers, which indeed reminds me to some discussions on the Aerosoft forum. I recently purchased iFly‘s 737 MAX and won’t look back at anything from PMDG. iFly‘s product is outstanding and their support is in a different league.
  9. My 717 runs perfectly in my P3DV5 setup. What steps did you try already? A simple re-installation of the aircraft might solve the problem.
  10. Everybody who appreciates the many excellent P3D aircraft and doesn’t blindly follow the marketing trends newer, better (really?), more ..,
  11. Why not just keep enjoying the Q400 in P3D until day X? Whenever I fly a complex aircraft like this one, the simulator is of almost no importance to me. Majestic‘s Q400 is a great aircraft in P3D and frankly speaking I don’t expect it to be significantly better in MSFS (if at all).
  12. I chose PMDG‘s 747-400 and 747-8 over their 777. The jumbo is iconic and a pleasure to fly! I had iFly‘s 747-400 in P3DV4, but didn‘t get it work in V5. Switching to the PMDG 747 was a significant and worthy upgrade!
  13. Yes, indeed! Actually, I still keep 4.5 on my computer, but in the meantime I got 98% of my addons running on 5.4. The only exception is iFly‘s 747. Keep enjoying 4.5!
  14. I‘m a very happy P3Dv5.4 user for the same reasons. My current sim time is 95% P3DV5.4 5% MSFS
  15. I am using FSUIPC and don‘t have this problem at all.
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