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About whisky

  • Rank
    kevin Kyle
  • Birthday 08/22/1950

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  • Location
    Port Augusta, South Australia
  • Interests
    Aviation, Photography, Amateur film producer

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    I7 quadcore, 32 GB RAM, 12GB Video. Prepare3d v5, PMDG 777, 737, Majestic Q400.

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  1. Thanks everyone. Reinstalled CRJ, same problem. MOved on to BA146. Heaps of issues there, can't be bothered, removing all Jut Flight product including Carenado Byeee.
  2. Thanks Rogen: The information goes back to 2018 so is not really relevant
  3. Thanks C2615 I have this: C:\P3DV5 Addons\Aerosoft CRJ Pro v5\SimObjects\Airplanes\Aerosoft CRJ Pro Base This C:\P3DV5 Addons\Aerosoft CRJ Pro v5\Documents This C:\Program Files\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v5\SimObjects\Airplanes\Bombardier_CRJ_700 Navigraph data path: c:\P3dv5 Addons\
  4. So that's it, another software package that is expensive, but useless. I have a few of these all from the same stable. Is it not reasonable to expect that when one buys a software package (Airplane in this instance) that it should be possible to install the software then "Go flying" without having to go through a "Try this, try that, change this, search the forums for clues etc. I have 3 such aircraft from the same stable none of them useable. Thanks to all have have tried to help recently. Will be sticking with PMDG and MJC from now on.
  5. Hi Flyfox, The plot thickens, plane comes from Justflight, shows as aerosoft, Simobjects as Bombardier_CRJ_700 Will be offline now until about 9am SA time.
  6. Hi Flyfox, The plot thickens, plane comes from Justflight, shows as aerosoft, Simobjects as Bombardier_CRJ_700 Will be offline now until about 9am SA time.
  7. Hi Flyfox, C:\Users\Username\Documents\ remaining Aerosoft\Aerosoft CRJ Pro v5\FlightPlans folders don't exist.
  8. Thanks Bigsky, This is on Prep 3d V5
  9. Just flight product. Doe anyone know where flight plans for this are located?
  10. False alarm, reset has fixed it. CHeers
  11. I have somehow started the green command line on the FMC and I can't get rid of it. Was suggested that I use CLR key but no luck. It may be that the problem will clear when I reset for a new flight. Kevin Kyle
  12. I have setup the 340 to to selected data path in Navigraph data manager. However I have never been able to get the FMC data to load on ant Carenado aircraft. What am I doing wrong?
  13. Also unable to save flight plans in PMDG 777 & 737. Have just done complete re-install due to HDD failure. Prep 3 d, v5,4, Navigraph. Also Navigraph export still not working.
  14. Had to do ful reinstall of sim, PMDG planes comes up with invalid entry for flight plan. Having to manually load plans. Navigraph not connecting unless I go through Simbrief.
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