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About JiBrady

  • Birthday 09/08/1944

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    San Jose, CA.

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  1. I too have seen MSFS ATC not working correctly today. In my case I do not heat the copilot respond to a ATC request, however the action takes place as if he did respond? Jim w6hxw
  2. Snow coverage for lake tahoe is correct Jim B
  3. Just did my first flight. I have way to fast taxi speed with power pulled back to 8%, as low as I could get it to go.. Had to keep applying the brake, What might I be doing wrong? Thanks Jim B
  4. I plan a flight into KTUS landing runway 12 using simbrief. I select the STAR approach DINGO6. I then start setting up the FMC in the 787-9 and find the fmc reports NO STAR is available for runway 12. I plan the same flight using PMDG 737-7 and it does list the DINGO6 STAR as possible for the runway 12. I do not know any way to update the navdata for horizon 787-9 Thanks, Jim Brady w6hxw
  5. U Starting MSFS I am Told connection is lost. However my internet connection is working correctly. I have seen this in the past and it has always been a MSFS issue. Anyone else seeing this today? Thanks Jim Brady
  6. This afternoon, everytime I start MSFS i am told my bandwith is too low, going to switch to off line mode. My bandwith is not to low it is 1300Mbits. I seems to be seeing this on week end days? Anyone seeing this problem? Thanks Jim Brady
  7. Yes I agree, this looks very interesting. I have been waiting for a ATC program like this. Jim - W6HXW
  8. I have seen this also in PMDG 737-700 Jim-W6HXW
  9. I have the latest driver and see the following: 1) Whitw lines aroung the PFD (sometimes) 2) CTD whenever i select DX12. So I just use DX11 and put up with the sometimes seen white outline. Jim Brady
  10. LEE, Thanks for the information about using the off line selection. I always thought that off line would result in no audio. But I decided to try it. And, I had ATC audio for the entire flight! So right now I am optimistic that this is going to work. Thank you for telling me about this work around. Jim B (W6HXW)
  11. I have had the problem of msfs ATC stoping talking to me sometime during a flight. This issue happens about 1/3 of my flights. I have tried turning AZURE off than back on but no help. It appears to me that I will need to switch to another ATC program. I do not want to use a microphone. Any sugestions for a ATC program? I heard that FSHUD can not work with add on airports so if this is true that would be another problem for me. Thanks Jim B.
  12. I have now almost no more room on my C: drive. When I open the PROFILE selection, then select then CONTENT MANAGER there is a lot to chose from. For example Canada can be selected and installed. But I don't want it to install on my C: drive. I don't see how to direct it to install on my D: drive. Is this possible to do? If so how can I do this? Thanks, Jim Brady
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