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  1. Microsoft have been doing this to their customers since they started to make flight simulators, the Christmas party has been looking good for as many years, sponsored by the likes of you and I.
  2. Inibuilds said, in your own link, that they will not be developing for the 2020 version after the A300. Nowhere does it say that they will be charging again for 2020 versions and in any case, the quote relates only to their aircraft.
  3. As mentioned above, RAM is reasonably priced at the moment. I have added 2x16GB to the existing 2x16GB which I bought at the worst moment, in 2020. The first pair were 135GBP, this time, 58 GBP. Identical paired modules in both cases.
  4. The FSX Disk Edition is compatible with Windows 8, 10 and 11, so that does not appear to be a valid reason to buy FSX-SE.
  5. My own view is that it is not. As well as what DBH114 posted above, some reduced settings were made into into default settings, presumably in an effort to convince purchasers that they had not wasted their money. One of the most irritating was that scenery objects at airports, specifically static aircraft, would pop into view as you were landing and then, if after takeoff, you looked backwards, they disappeared at the same small distance. If you have an FSX Edition that includes Acceleration, then you do not need to waste your money on FSX Steam Edition. Mind you, I wasted mine, all 5 GBP of it in a Steam sale, just to see what it was like. Once I had seen it, I returned to FSX.
  6. I have no idea either, but there are strenuous efforts going on to defend their country and one possibility is that he has joined in that effort. I am sure that from the perspective that there is only one country in the world that matters, it is easy to pronounce judgement on those who live in the rest of the world. It is difficult to imagine how you could write a more inappropriate comment. I doubt that Orbx share your views, or that they matter to them at all.
  7. We don't have any of "our own national infrastructure projects", as they have all been sold off years ago. Investment thinking in the UK is based on short term profit, which does not allow for long term strategic planning, so "we" have left that to "foreign" investors, who in the main, have more sense and less need for instant financial gratification.
  8. I was trying not to insult the intelligence of the OP. Of course that is the easiest method and you don't even need to create a new one, MSFS does that when it is next started.
  9. The scenery .dat files are here: C:\Users\your user name\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache\SceneryIndexes By default, the Windows Appdata folder is hidden, so you might need to visit the Windows File Explorer view settings and select "Show hidden files, folders and drives". There is now no Content/xml file, unless you create one to change the scenery order. As you cannot even run MSFS, this is unlikely to have happened. If you use a "Rolling Cache" and you can reach the General Options page in MSFS, delete that. Empty your Community folder and you will then have a "vanilla" copy. You might be able to avoid the present situation by selecting just one of the items that are not installed, instead of all of them, especially if there is a large number of "not installed" items.
  10. Here is a working link to the Avsim Guide. Here is a working link to Nick's Bible That should keep you busy for years.
  11. You could add to that: "the sim is getting a lot of work". The fact that every niche request is not acted on before the end of the day sets off the compaint bandwagon and some of those on it cannot help themselves from posting in rude and demanding ways, leading to these 9 pages of "discussion" about a non-issue.
  12. Please bear in mind that fully uninstalling will also remove all 17 World Updates and any Marketplace purchases that you might have made. Reinstalling will only put back the basic simulator, so there will be as much work again, if you want to add back the rest. Also, the simulator works very well in a stable Windows environment, so it is possible that the problem does not lie with the simulator and that a complete reinstallation could prove to be a complete waste of time, bandwidth and effort.
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