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About sanh

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  1. Late August or September is most likely in my view.
  2. They lost me at 30 bucks a month.... but I can see why it appeals to some. I think in a few years time something like this will be freeware given the rapid increase in AI.
  3. Looks great and doesn't take up much room. I really like that top panel.
  4. I agree with the OP in that there are way too many A320s.
  5. Not sure why the excitment. Those with the premium MSFS package already have a quite decent 787. Those on standard MSFS (who don't have a 787 and want one) can't use this one. ;)
  6. I think the reason the EFB is not as feature rich as some hoped is because of the time they wasted doing the communication workaround to the outside world. That was made redundant with SP13. I am a developer and I can only imagine the complexity, planning, development and testing required because they were only able to send numbers to a https address and needed to have that translated into EFB actions and commands and then sent back. In the end that large piece of work was a waste of time.
  7. I wrote that 3 years ago. Not something I would write today. We live and learn. 😀
  8. You need to download the latest version (1.6.3?). The flight data api changed last week so unless you update you won't get any airborne traffic.
  9. Usually I notice the runway is too short when I am approaching the end of the runway on take off roll lol...
  10. I don't think that's the case. Managing a large project like this with so many releases and the thousands of requests - each very important to the requester - would be almost impossible to keep track of. Their user requested features must run into the thousands.
  11. I can't believe there are 500+ people working on the new version. Astonishing.
  12. No I think it just means schools out for summer I.e. lots of holidays, downtime, people spending more time outdoors etc. I am sure they will pick up again in Autumn.
  13. I think MSFS are not focused on a weather API because it will be a lot of work and they are focused on adding more api/sdk features for scenery and aircraft designers. I think the vast majority of MSFS simmers are happy enough with the weather so they probably don't have it down as an area to focus on. I think that's fair enough. That being said - Active Sky is the best 3rd party weather addon ever made for any flightsim and I do wonder what they could produce with a fully featured weather api.
  14. I haven't had a CTD in years (well 2020). But if you are having them then this sim is clearly garbage. Millions of users must all be using MSFS everytime they want to reboot their machine. On a serious note, remove all addons in the community folder and make sure your drivers are all up to date.
  15. A couple of hours a week for me. Usually on a weekend. Been at that level for about 20 years now!
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