Hi Giorgio,
The chopiness or stuttering could indeed spoil it for most anybody. It is a big issue.
I wonder though, if you didn't make any other changes to your device (other than updating I.F.) and you are not running out of RAM so if the problem is not specific to your conditions, more users should report the same change. We may see that in this thread, as people start adding input, it will be interesting to see. I can't have a good input, as I am so new to IF that I don't have a good "before"reference. I have noticed occasional stumbling on my Samsung tab 3, but not too often, not enough to become really annoying or a show stopper. But, yeah, I agree this can be a biggie. It's like having an expensive car you like a lot, then getting it enhanced with all kinds of gadgets but replacing the wheels with some that are not perfectly round :-)