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About Zoho30

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  1. Hi guys I need motherboard (to my skylake 6700K) that support high rams speed (like 4000Mhz) and contain many USB ports (to use them in my home cockpit) Thx
  2. I have the cylinders and the all components of the platform, just i want the hardware that transfer the all movements from the sim to the platform.
  3. Hi guys, hope you're well In short, how i can transfer the rotations and all movements from p3d to motional platform ???? Thx
  4. Also +interest mike. Here is my home cockpit http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=AGcAf6OZvA4 How many PC u use ???? Thats why i have idea of getting 6 cores cpu, need maximum performance with my home cockpit with all these monitors and USBs...also at high settings as can as possible. Also as can as CPU can perform. Its single PC, so i try to find the right choice (if 6 core cpu will).
  5. Look this Quote : Good...... look; 4 cores never be like 6 cores, but when comes to P3D/FSX it depends on the 1 core speed/Clock.... This is why all suggestions turn to 6700K... Take your time in researching, this will change you idea. Quote : The way you choose is Single Core performance. This will make the difference in both sims . Chris. !!!!!!!!!
  6. Yes, i need that kind of push,,, i thing i'm leaning toward the 5930k.... What about the advanteges of win 10 which 6700k utilize of ???? What about the DDR4 ???? does the 5930K support it????? If yes, so whats the maximum frequencies ????? What about direct X12 which the 6700k waiting for ??? Also what kind of six core u have ???? What about 5820k ???? Or should i still on 5930K ????!!!!
  7. Some suggest 5930k, other suggest 6700k !!!!! Really i'm get narrowed between them !!!!! 6 cores vs 4 cores, i think it will make a difference !!!!!! I'm really confused !!!!
  8. Am still say that the 6 cores R more easable and comfertable in heavy data processing than 4 cores. More activities guys, come in !!!!
  9. Hi guys I've get very narrowed between this two CPUs..... For the using, i use the P3D 2.5 (( in windowed mode )) with my home cockpit (( 7 monitors )) and too mush USBs and a couple of external programs as PFPX/ FSGRW/ REX4/ EFB/ JeeHell STB intruments/ Pro ATC X etc. To be honest i'm leaning towards the 6 core CPU because i've read before its more comfortable in processing of the heavy softwares (like P3D as i know).. Is it will give more FPS in the heavy sceneries & heavy aircraft like PMDG737 ? Does the hexa core CPU will beat away any 4 core CPU in the competition of P3D processing and its very heavy addons? Sooooo many people adviced me toward the 6700K as its the best i7 produced for gaming right now as they said... Is that really a true ?? i mean does the 6700K do the job to a degree of better than the 5930K do ( or any hexa core CPU ) with the heavy use of the P3D ? I am getting too narrowed between them and really i need the proper advice as i'm not routenly PC upgradble person. If important : i'll use the CPU with 8GB of Rams & GTX980 ti with (Nvidia ns450 or 550 as a multimonitor GPU). Thx
  10. Surely i use the latest P3D version.... Specs will : Intel Skylake i7 6700K 8GB rams 3000Mhz.
  11. Hi guys Q1 whats the best GPU in multi monitor using ? Q2 is it a better if use two GPUs (two same type powerful ones) or a powerful GPU with another GPU of multiscreen using (even if not powerful as the first GPU) ? Thx
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