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About DenS

  • Birthday 08/19/1950

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  • Location
    Nokomis, Fl
  • Interests
    Amateur Radio, Sailing, computer Development, Sims

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About Me

  • About Me
    A retired hacker who has enjoyed all types of sims since Tank (an attempt a 3 D wire frames) was introduced to the Apple II way back when.
  1. I updated my Airfoillabs King Air 350 GPS with dual GTN 750s and now the GTN 750-2 2D does not show up. I think it maybe due to the GTN_750_2.WINDOW frame.rect. If I move the GTN 750-1 2D window the frame react changes. I think the 750-2 2D window is off screen as that WINDOW frame.react is 2562,380,830,790. Changing and saving that value in the .ini doesn't help as the value keeps returning to the 2562. I post this here hoping for a solution. The default value is coming from somewhere. Any ideas?? Thanks for reading this, DenS
  2. Reality XP PLEASE update the GTN 750 for Xplane 12. I will gladly pay for an update. Thank you
  3. I have had the 'Rebooting..." problem in the Airfoil King Air 350 v 1.5 using the Ither 5.0 install.It is Intermittent with Rebooting more than successful starts. Eloy's Task Manager fix works up to clear the message and start the 750. I thought the issue was with the Ither install. Guess not. Here there are two "GTN Simulator.exe" lines, there is a 725 running in the background. Glad to have a fix THANKS.
  4. Thanks, I was looking for the compass rose at the bottom of the HUD as shwon in the manual. Never even saw the numbers you have pointed out. DenS
  5. I do not see the compass rose in the HUD view. Perhaps I have something not checked. Any suggestions? Wim 7 X-Plane 10 Demo Full version was just shipped (can't wait) Thanks for reading this... (reduced size screensot attched) DenS
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