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Posts posted by fernandinho

  1. Because of the EULA I can't tell inside info, but in general :

    - Live traffic 

    - Ramdomely parked aircraft

    - Via a tool airports ( read : AFCAD  files ) can be read because of the parked aircraft

    - AI traffic in Fs set to 0


    This works well with accurate placed airports as the moving aircraft do this independently from Fs. They use real world GPS data ( like FlightRadar 24 ) .

    I had set it to 100 parked  for EHAM ( + live aircraft ) and my framerate loss was max 2 fps...


    Sounds very good. Thanks for the information.

  2. Thank you for offering your settings, Joe. I'll take a deeper look at it and compare it with my settings. Interesting as we have a comparable Hardware.


    30 Hz is really great and as I can maintain >= 30 fps it's a smooth experience.

    Except the two issues I have. Laggy mouse and laggy panning. And I have no idea what is causing this.



  3. My advice is a full install. There are many changes since 3.1 in all areas. You will better be able to take advantage of the newer stuff.

    Thanks for your advice. Do you mean with "full install" the update of all three components. Or really a complete new installation of 3.4?

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