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Posts posted by Amrick615

  1. Hello everyone! 

    Just wanted to see if our developers have come out with any great private jets recently? I love the Xtreme Prototypes LJ25D and the FlySimware FA50EX. I have mixed feelings about Carenado's stuff, but I always enjoy flying the Phenom 300. are there any others out there you all like that I should go and check out? 

    Thanks all!

  2. Hello all!

    Just wanted to give an update here. Please reference my post in the AIG forum in concurrence with this thread Convert AIGFP to BGL? (For VOXATC) (alpha-india.net)

    I found that you can't convert AIGFP flight plans to BGL since they are much more complex (hence why the flights may seem more realistic). It was recommended that I remove the AIGFP files and let AIG reinstall (requires you to untick "Use AIGFP" in settings). This did end up working, and the reinstall process was much quicker (4 hours vs and entire day). Please do remember to run the VOXATC indexer after going through this process. (Pro tip: Don't delete the AIGFP files, just move them to a different folder, it's the same effect with no drawbacks). 

    Hopefully this thread helps me in the future and to anyone else needing assistance. John, thanks for your help! Now I can move on to getting some help on a couple bugs/mishaps I'm getting from VOXATC.

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  3. Gotcha, I did post a thread on AIG's forums to figure out how to convert AIGFP's to bgl's. We'll see if they have an answer (I'll post a solution here for those following along). 

    So, I've never used AIFP before, forgive me any and all confusion. What is this and how do I use it? Am I downloading flightpans from AIG Dispatch and having them recompiled into bgl's via AIFP? 


  4. Hello all! 

    I use P3Dv5 HF3. I was wondering how to get VOXATC to use AIG-AIM models? I'm not sure what the cause of problem might be, but VOXATC isn't spawning any AI at all, despite the slider being 100% in VOXACT Settings. AIG-AIM is running using the traffic manager, so the two are essentially running at the same time without influencing each other. Is there any way I can flip a switch and get VOXATC to start using these models? The indexer seems to scan through them, so I don't see what the problem is. 

    Any help is greatly appreciated!

  5. Hello! 


    Check out this clip (pardon the beeping): https://imgur.com/a/F2dOphf

    Here's what's going on... if I go from a different window to P3D, I get this weird ~5 second lag in the MB pan before it resumes to normal speed. Anyone know what might be causing this? I have mouse pan in the virtual cockpit set to 5.75, so its meant to be a bit quick. (It's like Chaseplane is having 5 second sleep paralysis every time I come back to P3D!)


    btw, if anyone here knows why my F-18 is beeping, lemme know! (Maybe its tired of me, eh?)

  6. 2 minutes ago, hs118 said:

    No comparison, the VRS Superbug. I have approximately 400 hours in the Superbug and have taught several folks to fly it using the USNavy patpubs and NATOPS. Both the DC Designs and MSFS/Asobo Rhinos are modelled as "fast jets" in the sim and do not have the detailed real world FBW systems that are largely replicated in the Superbug.

    That said, if you want the best simulation of the Hornet charley model, DCS is the way to go. 

    Hope this helps. 

    Thanks for the info! That's one thing I appreciate about the Superbug so far, the FBW simulation is well regarded.


    If anyone has additional wisdom, please share!

  7. Hello all!

    I finally got the exilerating chance to hear all 12 engines of the Blue Angels team blast full military power over my head just a few days ago. Naturally, I now have F/A-18 fever! (And the need for speed 😎)

    I want to find a study-level F/A-18 for P3Dv5. The two candidates I see so far are DC Designs and VRS Superbug. So far, I'm more sold towards the VRS, but I want your opinions first in case DC Designs (or anyone else for that matter) would be a better fit in the end. 



  8. I'm having some issues with starting the engines. I just tried following a youtube video from cold and dark as well as the kneeboard checklist. Here's a couple things I'm seeing:

    Failure warning panel "Lo Fuel" light is lit the entire time, regardless of refueling. I was able to start engines 1 and 3. Engine 2 would just spool up to 9% N1 and not do anything from there. Any thoughts here? 

    I put the plane into "all systems off" as opposed to "ready to start". Is all systems off bugged or am I doing something wrong? 



  9. Understood, Thanks for helping me here@ I have the GTN750 installed, and it works like a charm! 

    Only thing left is to figure out why I'm having engine failures 5 minutes into a flight. If you happen to locate a full tutorial pdf, that would be really helpful. I see the quick reference tables and checklist at least. 

    (EDIT: Found it on the product page, see it here: Flysimware’s FALCON 50 – Flysimware

    Thank you!

  10. Hello all! 

    I feel like its easier to find answers to this regarding Boeing aircraft rather than Airbus aircraft. Does anyone have any wisdom on how exactly you decide to use flaps 1+F vs 2 for takeoff and flaps 3 vs 4 for landing in any airbus A3XX lineup? It makes a lot of sense how to decide this in Boeing aircraft (no it doesn't, I'm just saying that because there are more answers online), but I don't quite understand the logic for the scar- ahem- Airbus method. 

    Here's an example where I don't know whether to do flaps 3 or 4 for landing: I'm flying an A330 into Heathrow at 342.7 thousand-lbs and the VAPP for flaps 3 is 136KIAS and flaps 4 is 134KIAS... which one would a real-life pilot opt to do? (assume calm wind with standard temp/pressure)

    (If anyone has a link that already answered this, please cure my idiocracy since I'm not a master of research. Very much appreciated!)

    Thank you, happy to hear the wisdom you all have!


  11. I installed the Phenom 300 to P3Dv5 (P3Dv4 installation with P3Dv5 patch), and to the best of my knowledge everything seems to have installed okay. Only problem I see so far is the Procedure page of the FMS can only show me Approaches (refer to video attachment). Every tutorial and manual I see indicates that I should be able to see the remaining 3 IFR procedures below the Approach function. Am I doing something wrong here? I should be to just press Proc > Departure in order to start my route, right? Check out the video and let me know if I am doing something incorrectly.



  12. 3 hours ago, Benjamin J said:

    Just so you know, for this to work the AFCAD of the airport needs to have the correct ICAO code assignments as well. If he AFCAD does not have these, or they are not correct, you will still be assigned incorrectly. That said, at FT's KLAS I believe they are okay. This is not always the case though. Unfortunately some developers don't particularly care to get this right, and sometimes data also just isn't available. As Dan mentioned though, most times it's the entires in the aircraft's configuraiton file that's the issue. You won't believe how many airplanes miss this info or it's incorrect. PMDG honestly is the most infuriating, as their planes usually omit them completely. For the prie I'm payong I'd think that something this simple could be added. They are not alone though. Aerosoft gets them wrong all the time. When you request iniBuilds to do a repaint (and mind you, I'm paying for a repaint with a configuration file. it's LITERALLY what I'm paying for), it's usually all messed up as well. I think it's basically only FSLabs where I found them to be usually present, complete and correct.

    If you are incorrectly assigned and you put the code correctly in the aircraft's cfg file, you can use Airport Design Editor (ADE) to check the gate assignments.

    Thanks, Benjamin!

    Its such a small detail that goes a long way! I tried figuring things out on ADE, but I still have alot to learn with it, so easy does it for now. 

    Thanks for the help everyone!

  13. Okay, I located the problem. VOXATC does not like aircrafts that have quotation marks in the titles. That's a bit of an annoying problem to go in a change every livery that has quotation marks in their titles in the cfg files. So far, thats the solution I'm running with, however if anyone knows how to make VOXATC ignore the quotations, let me know!

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  14. 16 minutes ago, jabloomf1230 said:

    You'll have to take a look at panel.cfg for those aircraft and see where the two VOXATC "gauges" are located. Often times, when a complex aircraft is updated, panel.cfg is rewritten by the aircraft setup app,  leading to problems. 

    Maybe somebody with those same aircraft installed and VOXATC can help you.

    I'm sorry to say, but I completely mischaracterized the problem I am having. I think it is a livery problem, because the panel works absolutely fine with the default House liveries of the aircrafts I have installed. The panels show up in all of the aircraft because they are aliased from one aircraft panel in the "family" of addon aircraft (i.e. PMDG 737NGXU). 

    Okay, so here's the problem: VOXATC doesn't recognize certain aircraft because the livery name is posing an issue. For example, VOXATC will not load and have a fatal crash because it does not recognize the aircraft titled "PMDG 737-7H4NGXu SSW Southwest Airlines Canyon Blue "500th Southwest 737" Dirty (N281WN)". However, the aircraft titled "PMDG 737-7H4NGXu Southwest Airlines Maryland One (N214WN) || 2020" works perfectly fine. I know this is vague, but any idea what might be causing this? 

    If more info is needed, let me know. Again, I apologize about the confusion. 

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